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The Human Factor in business and customer service

The Technological Revolution has transformed the ways of relating and communicating among human beings, markets, and businesses. In the past, market strategies were focused on a more direct contact between Clients and Suppliers, most meetings and business meetings were face-to-face and face-to-face, customer service organizations had faces, names, feelings and emotions . Relations between Clients-Suppliers were more than selling or buying a good or a service, achieving important emotional connections, and the empathy needed to add value in commercial relationships and therefore in the sale.

The satisfaction of a Client with a product was something more than the satisfaction produced by the consumption of the good or product, the experience lived during the contact established with the representatives and the company's environment contributed with the quality perceived by the User or Client, the quality was represented by the Product + lived experience. The positive memory of the experience was what made the user return to the store or company, and remember the brand.

Nowadays, with the evolution of technologies, social networks, the internet and web developments, you can do instant business with companies and clients located far away from the world, interact with culturally different people, carry out commercial transactions and alliances with Companies operating in other countries without having to physically move to these remote sites, this is a breakthrough without a doubt, and that has contributed to the globalization and interdependence between the economies and markets of the world.

However, relationships are becoming more impersonal, the use of intelligent programs and computers capable of interpreting the responses of users, and inferring to direct communications towards the corresponding levels of solutions without the intervention and interaction person-person, ie the new model of commercial relationships are between Machine-Person, on the one hand the networks with powerful servers and computers with sophisticated systems and programs, and on the other end the Client who intends to carry out a commercial transaction of purchase and sale.

Selling and buying online is becoming easier and more and more widespread every day, displacing direct person-person relationships to the background, and increasing the frustrations of users trying to achieve direct contact with a human being who can understand the human motivations and solve those things that the most frequent questions and computerized systems can not.

Current and future generations have been perfectly conditioned to perform perfectly in the extensive use of social networks and the use of the Internet. Likewise, companies design their marketing and marketing strategies based on the use of the Internet, which hinders relations due to the impersonal nature of the Internet. Suppliers of Products and Services do not have faces, they are invisible, inhuman, logical but ignorant. of human complexity, that is why to achieve customer and brand loyalty to the brand is almost impossible, the Buy-Sell process is a completely mechanical process without human interaction between the parties involved in the commercial transaction.

Companies and their competition strategies invest significant resources in designing their web pages that look attractive and with information of interest that captures the attention of users as long as possible connected to your website, that the user experience is pleasant while connected and allow the experience to be repeated multiple times. Likewise, sophisticated systems are developed capable of carrying out market and business intelligence, and inferring the preferences and needs of customers, based on the pages they visit and the products they review during the time the connection lasts. All this information collected during the visits to the sites and the information of the records that the systems collect allows you to personalize the promotions and advertisements that are sent to the email addresses in cell phones, social networks such as Facebook and others.

So far everything has gone well for the companies and apparently it has been relatively easy, because the whole process has been based on attractive web pages, powerful automated systems and intelligent data base able to record the information of each visit and learn from them, infer about the preferences and tastes of buyers, and store all this valuable information which forms its fundamental basis of marketing.


Software engineering based on the strategic focus of the company

As a result of the rapid evolution of the macro and microeconomic environment, certain needs arise that involve searching for valid and meaningful information about the elements that make up the environment, that the company studies them deeply from different techniques, such as market studies, profiles of companies or people. , trend studies, among others. Currently in the Software Industry there is a tendency to increase the volume and complexity of the products, the projects are excessively late, demands higher quality and productivity in less time and there are insufficient qualified personnel. Next, an analysis will be made of certain problems that occur in the projects, problems that are addressed in Engineering or Software 1 in the different companies and that have a close relationship with the content that is given in Business Administration, demonstrating that with The linking of the different topics dealt with in Software Engineering 1 and Business Administration will achieve a better quality in the results of the productions.

The SI are the basis of organizational decision making.

The essence of the Information subsystem is that it will provide the necessary information, at the right time and with the appropriate structure, to those members of the organization that require it for different uses.

A work team is very important in a productive project to obtain favorable results.

The SWOT matrix is a very important strategic tool to identify the main threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of the company.

The general strategic problem is a basic way of presenting the result of the SWOT matrix.

The different techniques to make decisions is very profitable and complements the result of working as a team.


Electronic commerce Fundamental ideas

Electronic commerce consists of electronically conducting business transactions. Electronic commerce includes very diverse activities, such as electronic commerce of goods and services, online supply of digital contents, electronic funds transfer, electronic purchase and sale of shares, electronic bills of lading, auctions, designs and joint projects, provision of online services (online sourcing ), public procurement, direct consumer marketing and after-sales services. The amount of commerce carried out electronically has grown extraordinarily due to the Internet. A great variety of trade is carried out in this way, stimulating the creation and use of innovations such as electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, internet marketing, online transaction processing (OLTP), electronic data interchange (EDI) ), inventory management systems and automated data collection systems. In summary, electronic commerce covers products (consumer goods, medical specializing equipment) and services (information, financial and legal services, etc.), traditional activities (healthcare, education) and new activities (virtual shopping centers, etc.). Electronic commerce has rapidly acquired great economic and political importance as it continues the remarkable global expansion of the Internet. The rights of intellectual property are of fundamental importance for the maintenance of a stable environment favorable to the continuous development of electronic commerce. The advancement of Information and Communication Technologies have led to our daily life being the product of a profound change, in which we stay connected all the time connected to the Network wherever we are, with viable Web platforms for this action and can perform more and more actions around a Virtual World in which we no longer only use it for Web browsing, but also for all our daily activities.

In this new virtual environment we have constant communication with other people through the arrival of social networks, where we can share even multimedia content and even enjoy games: online, group, or execute different web applications, and we also have participation in websites of its own creation, such as the design of blog-type sites or photographic albums, etc. but we also find solutions for our needs.

In this last group we find the sites that offer an E-Commerce Platform, being more and more those who decide to use it as a link between the Client and Supplier without leaving home, basically consisting of a Virtual Store where we can browse and view a Catalog Virtual, perform different price queries and then move on to Buy a Product, all without leaving home, as it is also offered Shipping Domicilio.A this modality, called Electronic Commerce, every time you are incorporating more web platforms, counting on the convenience of being able to manage the means of payment, or to make an automatic payment through the use of credit cards, and in recent times the use of virtual money systems as it is the case of those companies that pay for the use of Web advertising, being surely the best known of all the P ay Pal1 obien DineroMail2.The majority of electronic commerce consists in the purchase and sale of products or services between individuals and companies, however a considerable percentage of electronic commerce consists of the acquisition of virtual goods (software and derivatives in their majority), such as Access to premium content on a website.


Motivation to undertake.

Having an idea to undertake is the primary step to continue in the way of business, and the power to develop that idea, leads us to feel that we can move forward with the stated goal, motivating us to see the creation of our product or service that is desired, managing to cover the expectations of our primordial needs, likewise we are demanding ourselves to feel ourselves self-realizing, taking us beyond oneself. The initiative and the decision are basic principles that lead us to stand out in order to reach the established goals.

The motivation to undertake depends on several factors, starting with knowing our country and our values, knowing in depth the resources we have, analyzing our environment to take advantage of the opportunities that may arise, knowing ourselves is important to detect our strengths and weaknesses separating what can make us improve what can make us fail because to take things with maturity is to accept what we are without seeing the past as an excuse for the problems of the present, it is better to have a vision of what We want to accept with sincerity what we impede to improve. Being a leader is essential for an entrepreneur, being creative giving rise to new ideas having the initiative and the decision to start a business assuming challenges and responsibility as the problems are being given perseverance towards the desired goals, generating jobs and income to the country. The primary objective of having a company of its own, generating employment, being productive and growing the company leads us to self-fulfillment to satisfy our needs taking into account what drives us to undertake.



The customers are to a company, what the sand to the desert. Without them, we will be doomed to failure. But getting a client is not easy, and earning your trust is more difficult and much more important. In this article we are going to see how we can get new clients if we are dedicated to digital marketing and what we should do to earn their trust with our work.

Before going out to look for clients it is convenient to define what our goals are as a company, what is our differential value, what product or service we offer and what is the profile of the client that we want to attract. Otherwise, we would sail aimlessly.

Especially if you are undertaking, it is very important to do "new business". And it is not easy. In addition, it is usually an unpleasant job, which requires a lot of dedication and does not always yield the desired results. But it is absolutely necessary to do it, and do it well, so that our project advances and grows. It is also important to diversify. That is, not depend solely on one or two customers. If so, your future will depend on them. Let's see some actions we can take to win new customers.

Digital marketing. It is assumed that as a digital marketing consultant you are able to help companies generate business through the Internet. So, apply the story! Your company is the first client for whom you have to work. Draw a digital marketing plan whose main objective is to get new customers, and execute it.

Among the different tools to apply, SEO positioning, an optimal management of your social networks or planning advertising campaigns in social media, are, by experience, the best strategy to generate new business.

Power your personal brand. In the age of the Internet, building a personal brand is crucial to differentiate yourself from your competition. If you want to know how to effectively manage your personal branding, I invite you to read this article.
Do networking Networking is not distributing business cards. It is to build a network of contacts based on mutual trust. For this, honesty is the primary ingredient.

Help and they will help you. It is said that whoever gives the most, receives the most. And so it is. Help others without expecting anything in return and you will see how that "help" returns to you multiplied.
Recommendations. Your good work is undoubtedly your best business card. If your clients are happy with your work, they will reference you and thanks to them you will get new clients.

Organize free workshops aimed at potential customers, for example, restaurant managers. They have to deal with a topic that you know perfectly and that is useful to them. Not an "autobombo" talk. In addition to letting you know, it is a magnificent showcase to demonstrate your expertise. You'll see how many of the attendees ask for a proposal shortly.

E-Mailing. Having met the legal requirements, it is advisable to plan e-mailing actions to those who have previously asked for a quote or have been clients. It is a good strategy to keep in touch and have you in mind when they require the services of a digital marketing expert.
