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Do you want your store be chic or elegant?

The presentation of a store is very important since it is not only our cover letter said, a nice and cozy place, it is incredibly attractive for any possible buyer. How many times have we not entered a place just because it looks flashy or chic?

Experts say that there are very fundamental elements in a store to which we must pay attention if we want to achieve this.


The place should be wide as well as bright. A luxurious place is always striking and this is achieved with a spacious place with clear surfaces. The location is also important: choose the one that brings together a good part of your customers.


If you can not have natural light in your establishment, bet on the soft light. A warm and not cold environment invites you to stay longer.


Depending on the type of store, music is always a good ally. If you have a clothing store, rock would be the main thing in your playlist; if it is a doctor's office, the ideal is relaxing music; if it is a food store, depending on its origin (Italian, Mexican ...) you can increase the purchase of ingredients associated with these cultures.


Less is more and this saying can apply to a store as well. Those that are exclusive choose to have a limited amount of products in sample since, ideally, it is to suggest and not cram the eyes.


Each product must be separated from another according to a certain criterion. We must not mix them.


Wood, metal, fabrics give a particular air to your store. If you want something minimalist and current, steels and crystals are your allies; If instead you want something more delicate and tenuous, then fabrics like muslin or silk can help you; If you want sophistication, then woods and leather.


They help to correct structural defects without mentioning that they identify our business. Each color (red, orange, blue/green, black/gray, brown/ocher, aquatic colors, yellow) has a different meaning (action, imagination, relaxation, elegance, warmth, professionalism, activity) so we must be cautious in its use.


Some followers of feng shui take it into account when setting up a business. It is enough to distribute the store according to the five oriental elements: the cash register to where the fire is located to favor prosperity, for example. 

Source: Emprendedores.

Few advices for your business bookkeeping

Accounting, and a well-done one, is fundamental for any company large or small. It is at this point that we take control of the income but also of all the necessary expenses for the production or provision of our services. In this way, we are aware of the situation in which the business is located.

Leaving this area unattended can not only lead to legal problems but also we would have a bad management of the company to not take this control. We bring you then some tips when you keep the accounting of your company.

  • Place in chronological order all accounting documents such as invoices, income, accounts receivable, etc.
  • Makes the accounting entries corresponding to each document. Try to have everything archived in folders.
  • Make the bank reconciliation, that is, check everything that has entered and left the business bank account so that each movement has its archived support.
  • Verify that the accounts and balances are correct so that you do not lack something to reconcile or be duplicated.
  • Try to keep it up to date, since the movements, many times, tend to be numerous and in this way you save a lot of time at the end of the month.
Similarly, remember that it never hurts to leave this job to an expert, who can always help us with their efficiency and advice.

Source: Emprendedores.

What is a brand?

Currently, there are many products and services in the market. Over the years and the development and creation of new companies, the market has more and more competition, having many similar products. Therefore, companies have a clear objective: differentiate themselves and be unique in the market. One of the first steps for this is to choose a brand through which your customers identify and differentiate them.

We tell you what a brand consists of and why its choice is so important.

Brand definition
The brand is a distinctive sign, whose main function is to differentiate and make unique the products and / or services of a company compared to other competitors. The brand is, so to speak, what gives identity and meaning to a specific product or service. For example, one of the most famous examples of brands is, possibly, Coca-Cola, a strong, powerful brand with an indisputable identity. Just to name it, the whole world knows that we are referring to a specific refreshment.

Although the main function of the brand is precisely to identify companies, create their own stamp through which to differentiate themselves from other companies, brands perform other functions, such as:
They indicate the origin of the product, that is, what company offers it.
It serves as an advertising element. The brand concept is not only identified with the name itself, but with everything that transmits at the level of value, corporate identity and brand philosophy, which is the basis for good publicity of a brand.
Inform about the product.
Synthesize prestige and good work of the company.
The brand, therefore, not only serves to identify a company. The brand has a value by itself, represents an image or an ideal in the mind of the consumer. For example, buying a car from the Ferrari brand is equivalent to a specific status, a type of life and social class. The Ferrari brand is equivalent to luxury, high class and great social status.

However, not any name can be registered as a trademark, being regulated in the law, specifically in articles 5 and 6 of Law 17/2001, some prohibitions. For example, those signs that do not have a distinctive character, those that are contrary to the law, public order or good customs or those that may induce the public to error, for example, may not be trademarks.

For all this, before creating a company we must take into account the brand with which we will market our products and services, as it will be essential for the future of the company.

Types of brands

The brand does not only mean the name with which the customers identify the company. Here we detail the different types of brands or examples of brands:

Word marks An example of a brand consisting of the combination of letters and numbers.
Graphic marks This type of marks are those that have graphic symbols, logos, drawings, etc.
Mixed or figurative marks. They are those marks that combine the two previous marks, that is, they consist of the combination of letters and / or numbers, as well as graphic symbols.
Three-dimensional marks. Brands that have the graphic elements arranged in three dimensions. Here, an example of this could be the containers and wrappings, the shape of the product, etc. An example of a brand of this type would be, for example, Babybel cheese, with a very peculiar and distinctive packaging
Sound marks This type of marks refers to those consisting of a succession of sounds that may be different
Now that you know what a brand is and the types that exist, you can now learn how to create a powerful brand that identifies your target audience and that will bring benefits to your company.

10 Deadly Sins of Digital Branding

The digital marketing plan should help us avoid the inefficiencies of the general plans, which according to Philip Kotler, we can summarize these inefficiencies in:

1. The company is not sufficiently focused on the market and oriented towards the client.
Focus on the market and focus on the customer is the best strategy, if we focus on the product easily come another with better benefits. Through digital market studies we can know which products are being demanded and the specifications best valued by users.

Eg. About real estate developers: Build the homes that are sold, do not sell the homes you build.

2. The company does not know its customers well.
To get to know the clients well, not many years ago, you could create surveys and with various techniques you managed to gather data. Highly expensive practices for the cost of execution and especially when people usually lie in those cases, by condescension, urgency, etc.

Now thanks to online marketing we can place ourselves in the center of the consumer's environment through social networks, forums and Google in general, we already know their preferences and desires.

3. The company does not control its competitors.
We return to the cost of controlling the competitors, we practically only knew of their plans using speculation and industrial espionage, we could also buy their products once they were put on the market, but by then we might have lost that train.

Nothing easier nowadays than monitor the competition since it is in the digital medium, and if we are from the same field we can almost guess the next steps or where they are going. And it is also not so difficult to maneuver at the last moment improving the competition once she has tested and validated the market. (The hare technique)

4. The company mismanages its relationship with stakeholders.
We understand the interest groups of the company, as well as all those groups that are affected, directly or indirectly, by the development and evolution of the company. Clients, shareholders, workers, investors, suppliers, etc.

Relations with any interest group that affects the company is now personalized and immediate thanks to the management possibilities offered by the digital marketing plan.

5. The company is not good at finding new opportunities.
It's time for trends. It was said that large companies created needs to then market. I am not very in agreement with that affirmation, rather they detected the needs and created the illusion of reaching a happiness parcel if we covered those needs with their products.

The needs are always there, and covering them at the right time is more than possible if we are attentive to what our customers say and consume, to the customers of our competition and to the successes or stumbles of competitors. A trend is an incipient manifestation of something, of what we can be up to date at the moment that occurs and monitor everything through online marketing.

6. The process of the marketing plan of the company is deficient.
To achieve a good integrated marketing plan (traditional and digital) we have to plan, equip and execute it with the appropriate cost, and improve the ROI with each revision.

With the difficulties, high costs and inaccuracies of the traditional methodologies it was almost impossible that the marketing plan was not deficient from the point of view of some influence groups.

Nowadays, integrating the digital techniques of market research, products, clients, etc. We are much closer to efficiency, not to the effectiveness that prevailed in the past. And since it is cheaper, we can fine-tune or make a new plan every year and stay in tune with the pace of society.

7. The company's products and services policies should be reinforced.
First is the conceptualization, followed by: the classification, range and line of products and / or services, life cycle, modification, development of new products, strategies and decisions.

When conceptualizing the product, expectations and needs are taken into account, thus reaching customer satisfaction, concepts that are clarified from the beginning in market research with digital marketing.

Classification, range of products, modifications, penetration and development strategies, and decisions about the marketing mix, all its policies are easily reinforced taking as reference the data that digital marketing throws at us.

8. The company's branding and communications efforts are weak.
Corporate branding and the voice of the brand are relatively easy to work with Social Media compared to the methodologies of the past.

The budgets to work these areas are much lower than those of yesteryear and the impact and growth achieved also have no comparison with the past. In the good or bad sense, the digital has that snag, that as you do wrong the repercussion is great as well.

9. The company is not well organized to carry out marketing.
Well, I do not know what to say to you at this point ... Nor is it that currently most companies are going out in organization to carry out digital marketing, perhaps because we are emerging from a brutal crisis that has plunged us into a war economy.

Before the managers came from the branch of economy and many were replaced by those who came from human resources, I think the marketing that comes from market research (I myself was one of those) would have to change them for the new Full stack marketers

Full Stack Marketers (A new term that comes from the combined front & backend developers, and we'll see if it does, means that you have knowledge of both types of marketing and a few management and management skills in addition to others.)

10. The company has not used the technology to the fullest.
I understand that this last point is difficult that is not fulfilled today, maybe it can be changed by The company has not used the technology correctly in terms of the execution of the digital marketing plan.

We are technologists at the highest level, at least and mostly, from the age of ten to those who are in their fifties, and it is said that the world is designed for the range of 30 to 50 years coinciding with its maximum era of consumption throughout his life.

Do you know what branding is? Know it!

Since always, the image that we project ourselves as others has been a subject of vital importance, either from the personal point of view ("What results from me?") Or from the social perspective (like the image that the kings they had before their town, for example). Today has not changed although the prospects are numerous.

If we have a company, new or old, the same image is important. We are a brand.

A brand, as we said, is the image that our company projects in its customers. It is the way in which they see it, the way in which the company defines both its products, the target audience and even the treatment it grants. This is where branding takes action.

Branding is the administration of brands. Through structured strategies, this process seeks, in the long term, to create expectations and illusions towards your brand. Users are still people, we should not forget this, and, like stories, emotion plays an important role in their lives: what makes our brand feel? Do you give them confidence? Do you create illusions? Do you have positive opinions?

What the users or the future customers have seen fundamentally in the brand, since it seeks to create an emotional link to our brand so that the overall image is positive. It's not the same to sell cell phones as the possibility (it's a fact!) To connect with your family and friends no matter the distance. The emotional and the benefits of our products must go hand in hand.

The brand has three vital aspects that it takes into account at the time of management:
  • Why?: is the reason for our brand. Why should you be there? The reason must be defined and be strong enough to distinguish between our competitors.
  • How?: This is the part where we define the strategies to get our business to people: this does not only include, literally, the strategies to publicize but also the treatment we give our customers. It is the construction of the image.
  • What?: is what our brand offers. Whether products or services, in the end, it is necessary to see this triangle so that everything flows in harmony.
Source: Branderstand.

Do you want to know your time's value?

Every entrepreneur knows that his time is valuable. Therefore, you should know how to make the most of it.

In a meeting held by Ken Segall, creator of the Apple slogan "Think different", with Jay Chiat, he realized how valuable people's time is, especially when work demands a lot of our creativity.

Many times we take the time to go to a business meeting, leaving aside something as simple as the above: that time can be used in a better way. As entrepreneurs, what is our priority? If it were not for this, Ken Segall would not have created the best advertising campaign for Apple. That is why we must focus on what we want as well as on the means to achieve it. Our time is valuable but finite, we must use it wisely.

We must be aware of this because, if we are not clear, then we must ask ourselves how much importance we give to our business, what time we dedicate to the family and how we plan to organize to maintain a balance between the work and the merely individual.

Source: Entrepreneur.

What is a value chain?

A key point to evolve as entrepreneurs is to know what are the strongest points of our business to take it to the next level. The value chain is a tool that allows us to achieve it.

A value chain consists in the analysis of a business by breaking down its parts in order to identify those elements that generate value for the company. These elements are those that stand out above other competitors, which is highly valued by customers.

The value chains are divided into two parts:


It is related to the creation of the product and is divided, in turn, into five sections:
  • Internal logistics: it deals with everything related to the reception of raw materials for the creation of our products.
  • Operations: is the party responsible for the processing of these materials until the formation of the product.
  • External logistics: is responsible for the storage and distribution of the product.
  • Marketing and sales: it is about advertising and selling what we have created.
  • Service: is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the value of the product.


They are responsible for supporting primary activities and are related to the infrastructure of the organization, such as finance, accounting, planning, human resources, among others.

To effectively apply a value chain, we must know all the processes of our company in order to make a map of them.

When the processes are thoroughly known, we can be able to establish objectives (general and specific) as well as analyze the costs of production and the finished product, taking into account the 4 C's (cost, customer, competition and change). In this way we can identify the advantages and disadvantages we have with respect to other brands and, thus, enhance the strongest points.

Source: Pa Digital.

Is my marketing campaign effective?

All marketing strategies must be monitored and measured, without this happening, however, we will be unable to determine our practices. Setting aside the measurement will not help us increase or increase the number of followers. Sales are not the only indicator.

You can use methods to measure efficiency or digital marketing strategy.


Examining the visibility we have is a good step in determining whether our strategy has worked or not. Before our clients did not know us and now they know who we are, is not it?


The capture of users on our website, attracted by the content, is fundamental. You should analyze what type of content attracts our customers through the number of visits or visualizations you have. The same can be done in reverse: verifying the contents with few visits.

Statistics and forms

If we have forms that have been filled by our followers, we can bring to light our future life.


How many of our followers become potential customers? While we can count on quality content, not all of our followers register on our website and, in any case, not all of them become buyers. While I may not understand / request our products or services, this does not mean that we should underestimate them: they can become future buyers.

Number of clients

Although it is obvious, the number of clients helps us determine if our campaign is effective or not. If they are numerous, we are doing a good job. If they are not or are kept in the same amount as in the beginning, then we must verify what we are failing according to the above and correct it.

Source: Media Source.

Digital marketing tools

Digital marketing is a relatively recent tool of some companies and its appearance arises as a result of the internet and the new forms of communication that this brings. It is essential for all those businesses that want to make a niche on the internet. But nevertheless. It is not all that easy as it is believed: we must have certain tools that help us, as expressed by Ana López from Fax Virtual.


This is the page of your company, in which you can show your products, let them know what your company is doing and what their values ​​are and with useful information that is attractive to the visitor. You also need a contact space in which to meet your requirements.

Online positioning

Online search engines (Google, for example) have algorithms that allow them to position a web page in a good place according to the construction of the website as well as its content and keywords. For this, you must have content both to offer and to help you positioning.

Corporate blog

For positioning, it does not hurt to have a blog in which to upload the quality content that you want to offer the client, with relevant, innovative and interesting information. This will help, in turn, generate traffic for your website.

Marketing email

Through newsletters with offers, launches and promotions, the marketing email can help you build customer loyalty. You have to be careful not to be very invasive or to sin a lot of spam, since receiving so many emails can become counterproductive.

Social profiles

The presence in social networks should not be done only to sell but to have a space in which to interact with our customers and build loyalty to the brand, as well as build a positive image among them.

Source: Juan C. Mejía.

5 mistakes you can not to make in social media

By not having a defined marketing strategy, a company can make various mistakes when entering the world of social networks. Some of the most frequent are:

Be present in all

Not all social networks have the same audience and serve the same. Depending on your customers, the ideal is to be present in the social network they frequent the most.

Lack of constancy

Having many profiles and not devoting the proper time to update or upload content is a serious mistake, since this care that you give them will give you a very unfavorable image.

Talk about you all the time

Internet users look for information that is useful to them and a company that only provides information about itself is not interesting at all.

Not having a strategy

If the goal of why we are in a certain social network is not defined, then our presence in it can make us lose a good part of our time by not knowing how to direct messages to the public.

Ignore users

In networks, customers want to communicate directly with companies and it is the right time for them to provide a customer service that satisfies them. This will generate positive comments around our image.

Source: Marketalia.

6 objectives to take your brand to social media

Being in social networks implies something more than mere presence: we must have a strategy that allows us to maintain a float as well as reach the proposed objectives.

Many times, we decided to launch our brand to the networks without knowing, in reality, our audience. That is why Iván Martínez brings us some goals that we could plant before taking this step.

Get reputation online

If our company is not well known, we can obtain recognition through networks. For this, we need to disseminate valuable content in order to capture the attention of our potential customers.

Attract traffic

Our website is a fundamental part of the company and it contains the content it generates, the information of the company or even our point of sale. That is why, ideally, it is to attract users to said web by generating content on networks that redirect to the web or through advertising campaigns on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Increase interaction with users

Adapting to each social network we will have different interactions with customers: Facebook to show products, blogs to upload our content, Twitter to serve them ...

Position in the sector

Doing content marketing can help position us and stand out among the competition.

Launch new products

If we have influencers to help us recommend our new products, we will have support that will be considered by our clients.

Increase contacts

If you want to get more leads, you can create or offer valuable content for your client such as templates, e-books, among others a change of forms that must fill a change.

Advantages and disadvantages of being in social media

Many companies consider that having a presence in social networks is one of the most successful decisions they could have in terms of attracting customers and paying attention to them. However, not everything is rosy: being on social networks is not easy and, at times, it can be a double-edged sword.


Increase visibility

Thousands of users use them every day so having presence in them allows us to reach them.

Traffic for our page

These users can also become potential followers of our website.

Improve the image

If we have a good marketing strategy, the networks can help us to deal more quickly with the doubts or the bad opinion that customers have of our services.

Easier communication

The interaction with consumers is simpler and, before them, we take a more committed and close image with them.

They allow to know the market

With the networks we have access to information about the current market situation as well as knowing the demands of our public.



Some companies that networks are only to promote themselves. It is not like this. Users also want to be heard and, in this world, what matters is they, not the company.


If you make a mistake, it will be exposed to everyone. Just as we are prone to trolls or people who are always dissatisfied.


They demand too much time on our part. It takes effort to see results from the medium to long term.

They are not free

Some networks have paid options that can help us boost our brand, without mentioning that we must have a professional who is solely responsible for them.


Being so exposed, our competitors can see what our strategy is about.

Source: Solo Marketing.

What is the best way to handle crises in social networks?

Never more true that old saying "Better safe than sorry." When it comes to facing a crisis of our brand or service in social networks, prevention is essential. This translates into having an updated crisis plan and, of course, developing possible strategies to deal with it. Here we explain how.

Prevention first of all

Be clear about these principles:

- At some point in your online life, your brand will suffer a crisis.

-The rage, according to a study by Peking University, is the feeling that tends to reproduce faster in networks.

-Not alone is enough to act quickly. You have to do it with intelligence, skill and respect.

-Evaluate. Review your strategies, objectives and achievements. Forever. A well-monitored account can "feel" when a crisis is about to occur or in an incipient state, where it is occurring and act immediately.

 Consider some of the monitoring options Sprout provides.
With all this internalized, it is necessary to think about developing a plan that can face a crisis in the networks. Ready?

The value of experience

It is important that the position of Community Manager, CM, is in charge of an experienced person. There are known cases of confused CM who, sometimes without giving themselves and sometimes for revenge, have published personal content using the company's account. Or simply unreasonable comments.

The clear rules

Although the vast majority of websites, communities, apps and networks, in general have their "terms and conditions" (which we often accept without reading them in its entirety) it never hurts to share this information with your audience as you make it clear what Behaviors and comments are allowed. Leaving the "rules of the house" explicit gives you arguments to later point out behaviors that have violated these rules. And in this way, your response or reaction does not correspond to an impulse if not to a company policy.

The plan

It is vital that you have a network crisis plan because on the internet the news is spread with great speed and you can not wait to have a problem in progress to just think about what to do. Remember that the reputation of your company is also at stake. As Warren Buffet says: "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it." And it is also true that, unfortunately, it is this type of event (the crisis) that leaves its mark on your brand.

Now, let's move on to action! A crisis plan should include:
-Guide to identify the type and magnitude of the crisis. What is the company's global policy on social networking issues?

-Roles and responsibilities of each department of the company. Who to contact in certain scenarios and times (nights or weekends?) Ask yourself: no matter where in the world or the time you are in, can you have a video of your CEO in a maximum of 4 hours? Answer is negative, you are not prepared for a crisis.

-Information of contact (telephone and personal mail) of key collaborators of the company: owner or general manager, marketing director, responsible for networks, customer service department, in charge of Public Relations, Human Resources and legal area (if any) .

-Process to follow for the approval of the messages that will be published in networks. -A communication or model communication pre-approved in case of crisis.

-Plan of internal and external communication: how the crisis will be communicated inside and outside the company.

A preparation exercise is to carry out simulated crisis within the company. Consider the possible worst scenarios and implement the plan described above. This will allow them to adjust strategies and workflows.

20 questions you must consider if you want to take your brand to social media

When making a marketing campaign, it is important to define certain elements of our company as well as the means by which we will advertise our services and products. Mr. Carlos Lluberes Ortiz, de Dale a la web, brings us 20 questions that we must take into account when publicizing our brand on social networks.
  • What is the objective of our brand?: if we have this well defined as well as what we look for in social networks, it will be easier to define the strategy, since we would focus on that justly. Remember that the objectives should not always be "sell more".
  • Does the company control its sales or does it have a distributor?: depending on who makes the sale, we can focus our products either direct to us or redirecting our vendor.
  • How many products or services do you have?: the more products and services, the more likely it is that communication on social networks will not be so limited to when you have one.
  • Is the brand defined?: we must have a brand whose personality is already established to only bring this to the networks.
  • How much branding serves the brand?: sometimes, the presence in social networks is given by the simple desire of the owner without this being directly related to sales. First, we need to have an audience to share our products and services with.
  • Does the company generate news or its production is interesting?: if you have any of these things, it would be easier to generate first-hand content with which to attract potential followers, either by news or by sharing the brand's own production.
  • How is customer service?: It is a very important point since consumers opt for those companies that meet their needs.
  • Who are the customers?: as with the brand, you must define the public, their customs, where they are.
  • How often do customers buy the products or services?: if we have customers who buy us up to three times a week, then we must consider that our news and releases can be very interesting.
  • Clients are natural or corporate?: the former tend to use social networks more frequently, while the latter require more time and dedication to capture their attention through the networks.
  • Many or few clients?: depending on this, interaction on social networks will depend.
  • How do customers arrive?: if they arrive by third-party referrals, then our network campaign should focus more on monitoring than capturing, for example.
  • How is the privacy of the company?: if you are a psychologist or an auditor, it is understandable why you do not want to share about the experience of your customers, even if you are a company that is only jealous of this information. However, that subtracts the possibility of publicizing the opinion they have of your brand.
  • How valuable is the content of tips or tips?: if the brand can share content related to its branch of production and at the same time be useful for their customers, they will appreciate it.
  • How much do clients use social networks?: although the use of networks is widespread, we must be aware of our public, their age and possibilities of accessing the internet as well as the networks they frequent the most.
  • Do customers share their experience in the networks?: this can help us improve our image to other potential customers, in addition to giving us the opportunity to thank these customers and make us see that we are aware of what they say about our brand.
  • Do customers express the need for these products or services in the networks?: if there are potential customers who express their need in the networks for what we can offer them, then it is worth monitoring and having presence in these social networks.
  • Are there recognized influencers in the industry?: it could be very helpful to contact them to help us promote our brand.
  • Why people would follow the brand?: must define the value of our brand, that is, what we offer that others do not or why our consumers would choose us over other brands.
  • How is the competition in social networks?: we are not the only ones with the idea of ​​taking our brand to this medium so we must be aware that there are other brands that offer the same or even have many more followers. We should not discourage ourselves for it but rather arm ourselves with courage and patience to continue.

Our brand in social media

Each social network fulfills a function as well as has a certain audience that frequents them. Depending on the brand we have, our audience and objectives, knowing in which network we can make an effective marketing campaign never hurts.


It is the social network par excellence since 81% of users in Spain use it to follow their favorite brands.

Companies use this network to make themselves known, generate conversions and sell their products directly. Also, the network helps the publicity of these companies thanks to the Facebook Custom Audiences, which promotes products to those users who follow our brand.


40% of Spaniards use this social network to follow their favorite brands. However, many of them tend to be elderly at a certain age compared to Facebook, so it is a much more mature audience.


It is a network that has gained increasing popularity as time goes by.

Thanks to its options to upload images or videos, advertising your products on this network is quite easy. In addition, the presence of influencers who can help you promote it is an additional benefit.


It is the most important search engine after Google, so having an account in it as well as audiovisual content can help us position ourselves in search engines.

It has a young audience but its main attraction are videos, which can be short in case we need to promote our services or products. Videos of less than 2 minutes get 50% of views.

Fuente: IEBS School.

What are the benefits of conducting contests on social networks?

Today, no one doubts the importance of social networks in order for a business or company to get to know the online world and increase its customer base. There are many benefits and advantages they offer, but in this post we want to focus on the possibilities offered by raffles on the main social networks; Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.

And if you're thinking about how to improve your reputation and your brand image, reach more people every day, increase your customer base and enjoy greater benefits in your business, you should know that in sweepstakes and contests on the networks you will find your best allies.

Starting from the fact that nowadays social networks have become an essential communication tool, not only for users, but also for companies, it is important that your business is present in them. This is the case of Chapea, a well-known Spanish company that is dedicated to the marketing of personalized gifts, and which is closely linked to social networks and online raffles.

The problem is that there are times when it is not enough to be, but you have to go a step further and get highlighted, and here the raffles are shown as the most perfect solution.


The benefits of making raffles on social networks are many, but without a doubt we must highlight the possibilities it will offer you when it comes to making yourself known and getting loyal customers every day.

Because when you create a contest on any social network, you are already attracting the attention of users, which means that they already have your brand in your head, and at least until the end of the draw they will continue to have it, which is something.

You could say that the draw is like a fishhook, in which users must click to take a look at your page, see the products or services you offer, and perhaps continue to accompany you for a while. In addition, it will allow you to maintain a bidirectional relationship with your customers.

In addition, being aware of the facilities that are given in the networks when sharing content, the word-of-mouth factor is fundamental. You can include that to participate in the raffle you have to share your publication in their corresponding profiles, so do not doubt that it will help you to see how your followers rise like foam. In social networks, friends of your friends are your friends.


For a company to achieve customer loyalty is essential, especially if we take into account the enormous competition that exists in the online world. It is important that if you have a company or business you can get your best customers loyal, and for that you will have to make an effort, otherwise do not doubt that they will soon be going to the competition.
Loyalty customers allows you to ensure a fixed income every month, and is that if a customer is comfortable with your services, why would you bet on another company? Here the key is to keep them happy and with a positive attitude towards your business, trying to create a relationship between your products and your customers.

To achieve this, in addition to carrying out activities such as contests and sweepstakes on social networks, it will be very helpful to have as much more information from your clients, the better. This will allow you to focus your business based on the tastes and needs of your target audience, adapting at all times to what they are looking for.

Paul Allen dies, co-founder of Microsoft

Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft, has died at the age of 65, due to the complications of a non-Hodgkin lymphoma, reports the company of millionaire Vulcan Inc., which cites his family.

According to the company, the businessman died Monday afternoon in Seattle. Her sister Jody said in a statement that Allen was "a remarkable individual at all levels." "In this moment of loss and pain for us, and for many others, we are deeply grateful for the care and concern he demonstrated every day," RT said.

Satya Nadella, the current CEO of Microsoft, said that Allen made "indispensable" contributions to the company and the technology industry. "As a Microsoft co-founder, in his calm and persistent way, he created magical products, experiences and institutions and, in doing so, changed the world," he said.

According to Cnbc, the businessman recently began treating the same type of cancer he had overcome nine years ago.

Apart from having founded Microsoft with Bill Gates in 1975, Allen was known as an investor and philanthropist. It ranked 44th on Forbes magazine's list of billionaires, and its net worth was estimated at 20.3 billion dollars.

WhatsApp will launch a new update that will hide the messages

WhatsApp will launch a new update that will hide the messages of the chat groups for as long as the user wants.

According to the WaBetaInfo portal, the popular instant messaging application designs an option to deactivate all messages and notifications of groups by simply configuring the status of them through the Holiday Mode.

The new update will silence the chats for a long time, as the user chooses, and can be archived to be activated again when desired.

Currently, regardless of notification settings, an archived conversation returns to the top of the chat list each time a new message is received. With the vacation mode, we can completely forget about a conversation.

It can be useful to pause work, not to have more interaction with annoying groups (but without leaving them) or even to hide a conversation from the list of chats.

The developers are working to make sure that the notifications related to those conversations disappear completely, without disturbing the user. In this way, when a new message arrives, the corresponding numerical alert that appears to indicate unread messages will not be incremented.

Effective online communication: 7 steps to achieve it

Online communication is that given in the different internet platforms. As in a traditional communicative process, it consists in the exchange of messages between two people. This tends to be continuous and fast, and occurs 24 hours a day in the different existing internet formats. This type of communication is multimedia, since it has text, image, audio, video or all.

Today, the communication between a company and its client must go beyond the mere offer of a product or service. Consumers value the qualities of a company as well, the benefits it brings or even its transparency.

To achieve efficient online communication, you must follow these steps.

Create a solid brand

A company with a defined objective and a history that supports it, is valued by consumers. Letting them know what your company is about and what its values ​​and goals are is never too much.

Define the audience

Depending on the audience you are targeting, this should be your communication strategy as well as the online channels in which you implement it.

If, for example, our audience is young, we should consider the most popular media among them: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram ... Unlike the mature and professional public, which prefers LinkedIn or Twitter.

To be consistent

We must maintain an editorial line, if you will, in terms of the content that we show on our networks as well as having them updated. A blog whose last entry was months ago does not generate much confidence, for example.

Take into account quality and quantity

While consistency is important, quality is much more. Consumers value a careful and interesting content over one that does not contribute anything at all.

Be updated

Linking our communications with current issues will attract our audience and give us visibility. Likewise, it will give our clients the image that we are aware of the changes that have occurred in our environment.

Be committed

Maintaining effective communication is not only sending but also receiving and responding back. We must offer solutions to the problems of our clients as well as give them useful answers in order to get them involved with our products or services.

Have visual support

Internet communication must be attractive and that is why we must use multimedia elements in order to capture the attention of our customers.

Source: Expertos Negocios Online.

Marketing on internet

Advertising has changed in recent years. A good part of the users who search the world 2.0.

Those marketing professionals then see themselves in a new field of play. One where they should know the rules if they want to help their companies excel. Training in marketing 2.0 is necessary.

The new reality forces us to move in line with what responds: traditional marketing is gradually relegated and we must adapt to the immediacy of the internet, the new platforms, the devices, the customs of our users and in the form to know how. I need to have an online store, the creation of applications, among other elements.

This new technological era forces us to be more creative as well as to contribute new ideas and strategies for our companies. Communication with the consumer, above all, is important since it is him.

While everything seems vertiginous, this new phase of marketing is very interesting for many. The opportunities arrive, with them, new knowledge and experiences.

Source: Dicreato.

We give you two tricks to not appear online in WhatsApp

If you want to use the WhatsApp application and avoid informing others that you are "online" take note of these tricks.

The site, revealed the two simple tricks:

Without application

When you go to enter WhatsApp you must put your cell in Airplane Mode. This way you can see the messages, even answer them, although they will be sent once the device is reconnected to the network.

To avoid being in evidence, remember to close the application before removing Airplane Mode.

With application

To appear offline in WhatsApp even if you are online there is an app that will help you achieve it.

The application is called Private Reading for WhatsApp and for the moment it can be found in the Google Play Store download store.

This application will allow you to enter WhatsApp without appearing connected and it will not change your last connection time and it is completely free.

How to make successful our marketing campaign

"What doesn't show, doesn't sell" is a refrain of some business owners. And it has some reason: those products we don't show in the display cabinet don't sell because our clients didn't knew them. This concept can be applied to a business too.

Marketing looks for convert a business in a renowned one, some way, until it be a solid business. This could be seen on internet: there is so much competition that is necessary be in our clients eyes. To achieve this, we need efficient marketing strategies.

To a strategy to be effective, it must follow three principles.


As business owners , we must be conscious about our company's objective. It can't just be selling things or making money. This phase should define our objective of the year and be SMART:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Time-bounded

Associate techniques

According to year's season, we need to associate techniques and executions as well as metrics.


We must to verify, periodically, if our objectives are being satisfied just in case we need to take some correctives.

As well, we need to remember to not forget our consumers. We have to consider which are our public and what they want. Also, some entrepreneurs base their strategies according to their financial projections. This must be not this way: is the strategy which defines projection and not (backwards)

Wearables: what are they?

Content marketing has stired up the way how business reachs their clients. Brands have adapted to the different devices that consumers use everyday, as smartphones and tablets, in order to offer them content that considers their screens or operative systems.

A wearable reffers that technology bounded to our bodies, as watches for example. A watch is a daily device which, today, can give us more than the hour: it is a smartwatch with more functions.

Wearables adapt their contents to this kind of device: marketing must innovate it's contents and adapt them, emails too, newsletters must be changed, adapt applications to smartwatchs, and others.

Contents must be less invasive and be more valuable to users. As technology advances, marketing changes significantly. To adapt and innovate will allow us to be close to our clients and know what they want and demand.

Source: ibrugor.