
5 mistakes you can not to make in social media

By not having a defined marketing strategy, a company can make various mistakes when entering the world of social networks. Some of the most frequent are:

Be present in all

Not all social networks have the same audience and serve the same. Depending on your customers, the ideal is to be present in the social network they frequent the most.

Lack of constancy

Having many profiles and not devoting the proper time to update or upload content is a serious mistake, since this care that you give them will give you a very unfavorable image.

Talk about you all the time

Internet users look for information that is useful to them and a company that only provides information about itself is not interesting at all.

Not having a strategy

If the goal of why we are in a certain social network is not defined, then our presence in it can make us lose a good part of our time by not knowing how to direct messages to the public.

Ignore users

In networks, customers want to communicate directly with companies and it is the right time for them to provide a customer service that satisfies them. This will generate positive comments around our image.

Source: Marketalia.

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