
10 Deadly Sins of Digital Branding

The digital marketing plan should help us avoid the inefficiencies of the general plans, which according to Philip Kotler, we can summarize these inefficiencies in:

1. The company is not sufficiently focused on the market and oriented towards the client.
Focus on the market and focus on the customer is the best strategy, if we focus on the product easily come another with better benefits. Through digital market studies we can know which products are being demanded and the specifications best valued by users.

Eg. About real estate developers: Build the homes that are sold, do not sell the homes you build.

2. The company does not know its customers well.
To get to know the clients well, not many years ago, you could create surveys and with various techniques you managed to gather data. Highly expensive practices for the cost of execution and especially when people usually lie in those cases, by condescension, urgency, etc.

Now thanks to online marketing we can place ourselves in the center of the consumer's environment through social networks, forums and Google in general, we already know their preferences and desires.

3. The company does not control its competitors.
We return to the cost of controlling the competitors, we practically only knew of their plans using speculation and industrial espionage, we could also buy their products once they were put on the market, but by then we might have lost that train.

Nothing easier nowadays than monitor the competition since it is in the digital medium, and if we are from the same field we can almost guess the next steps or where they are going. And it is also not so difficult to maneuver at the last moment improving the competition once she has tested and validated the market. (The hare technique)

4. The company mismanages its relationship with stakeholders.
We understand the interest groups of the company, as well as all those groups that are affected, directly or indirectly, by the development and evolution of the company. Clients, shareholders, workers, investors, suppliers, etc.

Relations with any interest group that affects the company is now personalized and immediate thanks to the management possibilities offered by the digital marketing plan.

5. The company is not good at finding new opportunities.
It's time for trends. It was said that large companies created needs to then market. I am not very in agreement with that affirmation, rather they detected the needs and created the illusion of reaching a happiness parcel if we covered those needs with their products.

The needs are always there, and covering them at the right time is more than possible if we are attentive to what our customers say and consume, to the customers of our competition and to the successes or stumbles of competitors. A trend is an incipient manifestation of something, of what we can be up to date at the moment that occurs and monitor everything through online marketing.

6. The process of the marketing plan of the company is deficient.
To achieve a good integrated marketing plan (traditional and digital) we have to plan, equip and execute it with the appropriate cost, and improve the ROI with each revision.

With the difficulties, high costs and inaccuracies of the traditional methodologies it was almost impossible that the marketing plan was not deficient from the point of view of some influence groups.

Nowadays, integrating the digital techniques of market research, products, clients, etc. We are much closer to efficiency, not to the effectiveness that prevailed in the past. And since it is cheaper, we can fine-tune or make a new plan every year and stay in tune with the pace of society.

7. The company's products and services policies should be reinforced.
First is the conceptualization, followed by: the classification, range and line of products and / or services, life cycle, modification, development of new products, strategies and decisions.

When conceptualizing the product, expectations and needs are taken into account, thus reaching customer satisfaction, concepts that are clarified from the beginning in market research with digital marketing.

Classification, range of products, modifications, penetration and development strategies, and decisions about the marketing mix, all its policies are easily reinforced taking as reference the data that digital marketing throws at us.

8. The company's branding and communications efforts are weak.
Corporate branding and the voice of the brand are relatively easy to work with Social Media compared to the methodologies of the past.

The budgets to work these areas are much lower than those of yesteryear and the impact and growth achieved also have no comparison with the past. In the good or bad sense, the digital has that snag, that as you do wrong the repercussion is great as well.

9. The company is not well organized to carry out marketing.
Well, I do not know what to say to you at this point ... Nor is it that currently most companies are going out in organization to carry out digital marketing, perhaps because we are emerging from a brutal crisis that has plunged us into a war economy.

Before the managers came from the branch of economy and many were replaced by those who came from human resources, I think the marketing that comes from market research (I myself was one of those) would have to change them for the new Full stack marketers

Full Stack Marketers (A new term that comes from the combined front & backend developers, and we'll see if it does, means that you have knowledge of both types of marketing and a few management and management skills in addition to others.)

10. The company has not used the technology to the fullest.
I understand that this last point is difficult that is not fulfilled today, maybe it can be changed by The company has not used the technology correctly in terms of the execution of the digital marketing plan.

We are technologists at the highest level, at least and mostly, from the age of ten to those who are in their fifties, and it is said that the world is designed for the range of 30 to 50 years coinciding with its maximum era of consumption throughout his life.

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