
Wearables: what are they?

Content marketing has stired up the way how business reachs their clients. Brands have adapted to the different devices that consumers use everyday, as smartphones and tablets, in order to offer them content that considers their screens or operative systems.

A wearable reffers that technology bounded to our bodies, as watches for example. A watch is a daily device which, today, can give us more than the hour: it is a smartwatch with more functions.

Wearables adapt their contents to this kind of device: marketing must innovate it's contents and adapt them, emails too, newsletters must be changed, adapt applications to smartwatchs, and others.

Contents must be less invasive and be more valuable to users. As technology advances, marketing changes significantly. To adapt and innovate will allow us to be close to our clients and know what they want and demand.

Source: ibrugor.

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