
How to make successful our marketing campaign

"What doesn't show, doesn't sell" is a refrain of some business owners. And it has some reason: those products we don't show in the display cabinet don't sell because our clients didn't knew them. This concept can be applied to a business too.

Marketing looks for convert a business in a renowned one, some way, until it be a solid business. This could be seen on internet: there is so much competition that is necessary be in our clients eyes. To achieve this, we need efficient marketing strategies.

To a strategy to be effective, it must follow three principles.


As business owners , we must be conscious about our company's objective. It can't just be selling things or making money. This phase should define our objective of the year and be SMART:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Time-bounded

Associate techniques

According to year's season, we need to associate techniques and executions as well as metrics.


We must to verify, periodically, if our objectives are being satisfied just in case we need to take some correctives.

As well, we need to remember to not forget our consumers. We have to consider which are our public and what they want. Also, some entrepreneurs base their strategies according to their financial projections. This must be not this way: is the strategy which defines projection and not (backwards)

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