
Advices for your storytelling

Storytelling consists of telling a brief but significant story of your company or product in order to give emotional elements with which your customers can feel identified or motivated to choose you over other companies. Some tips for an effective storytelling are:

1. Touch your most sensitive fiber

Consumers find more attractive those services or products that appeal to their emotions. It is not necessary to sensitize them more with very strong themes: it is enough with something emotional through the audiovisual to capture their attention.

2. Emotional connection

To achieve a contact with the sensitivity of your client, you can consider the values ​​of your brand, the elements that differentiate you from other brands, a story that awakens emotion and a language rich in stimuli. These and other elements could be a valuable help.

3. How do you say it?

Take into account the way in which you send the message: the images, the voice tonl, the pauses, expressions and content other elements. Also take into account its duration.

4. The experience

One of the fundamental objectives of storytelling is not only to capture the attention of our clients but to offer them an experience that impacts them, that makes them associate that emotion with what we offer them.

Source: Entrepreneur.

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