
Google announces its new reCAPTCHA version

The reCAPTCHA has become a very frequent system of several websites to authenticate that we are not bots trying to access certain content. Either choosing an image or writing the text that it shows us, it has become a necessary evil: it is tedious.

Google has announced a new version of reCAPTCHA that promises to be much simpler, since it would be based on a scoring system that would take into account our activity on the website (clicks, displacement, interactions, among others).

That is, depending on what we do on the website, this system will determine if we are human, given that a robot would not have the same way of navigating on that page. If the system notices that this is the case, it will interrupt the interaction to request a more exact verification.

Developers can decide how they want the system to be implemented on their website as well as choose the type of verification.

Source: What's new.

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