
Business communicational channels

An effective communication is something that every company should have or aspire to. Nowadays, the interaction between this and the client is much more important than it was years ago when it was enough to only print our product. The internet and new devices have marked new forms of communication and customs.

We must consider that, as entrepreneurs, we have to know our audience if we want to reach them. How old are you? Where do you usually communicate? What are their customs? Today's consumers buy experiences more than products. That is why we must offer you one with which you feel comfortable and, to achieve this, we must know what are the most appropriate means to get our message across. There are three types of channels for this.


It is the medium that allows a direct interaction between the company and the consumer. It can be with one or only one or a limited number of them. An example of this is SMS.


It is the one in which there are many receptors for our message. An example of this would be the radio or television.


Social networks are the perfect example because it allows an interaction with users immediately.

Before choosing a channel, you should be aware of:
  • The type of store you own (traditional or online)
  • Investment for the chosen channel (both monetary and temporary)
Source: Instasent.

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