
If I'm a entrepreneur, should I be a leader too?

Entrepreneurship involves more than just setting up a business: it requires hours of dedication as well as people who support our idea. Entrepreneurship is to carry out an idea we have and promote it, rather than just capitalize it.

This generates new employment opportunities as well as enriches our lives through experience. That is why it is necessary to be a leader.

Leadership is not something that is only said or that is so simple to apply: it demands from us, especially from our attitude. One of the most valuable characteristics of a leader is his ability to stay positive in any situation and inspire confidence in those around him. Education, dedication, passion and charisma are elements that will help keep the business as well as are easily reflected in what we do: our clients will see it and may be attracted to that energy.

We can not undertake alone so we must know how to care for and value our human capital. Also, undertaking requires changes and that generates uncertainty, and the vision of a leader is what is needed to overcome the obstacles to reach an objective and immediately go for another.

A leader does it for himself and relies on his teammates, unlike a boss who expects others to do it.

Source: Cainem.

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