
Business plan and strategic business planning in the 21st century

Today more than ever, it is necessary to have instruments and methodologies that allow entrepreneurs and executives to promote investment initiatives and have the most accurate forecast of the profitability of a business.

A business plan is a key and fundamental instrument for the success of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.

It is an indispensable strategic document, since it is not possible to start or grow a successful business without having a detailed plan.

It is a series of interrelated activities for the start or growth of a company with a planning system aimed at achieving certain objectives and goals.

It is a guide for the start of operations and the development of the activities of a company.

It aims to have a broad knowledge of the company or the project that is intended to start.

The plan can be developed for a newly created company or for one that is already operating and has growth plans.

When the company is operating and growing, a plan serves to rethink objectives, goals and needs, as well as to request credits or additional investments for expansion and / or special projects.

It is convenient to be conservative and realistic when making sales forecasts and financial projections of the business.


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