
Necessary innovation for customer satisfaction.

Anthony W. Ulwick creator of 5 stages of the methodology of how to interview the client obtaining better results, its classification based on the type of clients.

Step 1. Interviews with clients based on the results of the plan.
Step 2. Capture the desired results.
Step 3. Organize the results.
Step 4. Results of speed of importance and satisfaction.
Step 5. Use the results to launch the innovation.

Obtaining customer satisfaction and utility for the company or industry.

The methodology of Anthony W. Ulwick aims to innovate the product based on well-conducted interviews focused on the benefits and areas of opportunity of the products to improve them; creating product segmentation.

Obtaining information of great value and classifying the clients obtaining as a result the satisfaction of the client and generating great utility for the companies and industries. Every company must adopt methodologies that allow it to innovate its products or services.

Companies must consider the importance that the client has in the innovation of a product or service and the value of the information obtained through this methodology.


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