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Know what a creative briefing is

In the business world, briefings are documents that are responsible for showing a problem and all the information related to it to solve it, taking into account the characteristics of the product, brand background and other elements. This document is sent to an agency to provide a possible solution, after analyzing the data collected. What is received back is what is known as creative briefing.

It is not necessary to work with an agency to generate a creative briefing. In fact, some companies use them in their day to day to solve communication problems, giving it to the team so that everyone is aware of what can be done. The objective of the creative briefing is to generate creative ideas that help solve the problem. What is its structure? It is about 16 elements.

1. Starting point

In this part you should indicate, briefly, the history of the business as well as its current situation, its objectives and the problem it presents.

2. Product

What product or service do you want to communicate? Or do you plan to promote your company as such?

3. Communication objective

It must be achievable, specific and relevant.

4. Deliverables

This section should contain a list of the designs, texts or materials that must be developed during the project and that are related to the product. Possibly this list is modified according to the proposed ideas.

5. Target

It refers to the audience you are targeting. You must investigate what it is and what it is you are looking for.

6. Strategy

How will you achieve your goal? You must realistically indicate the steps to follow to achieve it.

7. Proposal

It is a phrase about what your product offers and how it will attract your audience. It should not be the definitive slogan but it will be the creative starting point for it.

8. Arguments

They must be solid and credible and are, precisely, the arguments on which our proposal is based, making it unique or at least necessary for the public.

9. Voice tone

What is the style you want the communication to have? Traditional? Humorous? Innovative?

10. Competition

It's about identifying your competitors as well as specifying what they do and how you differ from them.

11. Background

Other campaigns may have done what you want to do earlier or they are already doing it. Considering them will help you not to repeat what others have already done as well as give you a guide of what you can do, taking into account their successes as well as their mistakes.

12. Mandatories

Are the elements that should appear almost mandatory, such as additional logos, legal text, contacts, among others. This is because these elements can condition the promotional design.

13. Media

They are the channels through which you will disseminate your idea, whether it is traditional or digital promotion.

14. Budget

It is the money with which you have to carry out the promotion you need.

15. Timing

It is the schedule for the realization of the project, especially if you will do it in phases. You must consider the deadlines of each one.

16. Next steps

After doing the briefing or that you have done, you should know what to do with it below. In general, a meeting is held with the whole team to generate a brainstorm that will allow solving the problem raised by the briefing.

Source: Samu Parra.

Instagram campaigns that every community must know

Instagram is a very popular network in recent times for users of all ages and sexes: adult women or younger men, all find attractive in this social network that has already become one of the common places of many of us as users.

There are campaigns on Instagram that we can take advantage of as community managers. Some of them are:


Brand awareness consists of promoting the recognition of a brand among consumers. This type of campaign will help you increase the visibility of a company or its products. To do this, we try to highlight the benefits or what makes our brand unique through visual material and related messages. Instagram is a good place for emerging companies since many of their users are looking for new companies and options.

Campaigns with cause

Ethics and responsibility are values ​​that the younger audience appreciates in current times. That is why this type of campaign, where the values ​​of the company come out, are usually beneficial since not only are you looking to sell or promote a product but show the level of commitment we have as a company in terms of a cause of interest common.

Sale or promotion

It is the most frequent type of campaign and is considered a reward for followers of the brand in the social network. Through a discount or seasonal sales, we seek to attract the attention of potential customers to our products or services.


It is also one of the most popular campaigns on Instagram and its goal is to engage new customers or retain the ones that are already with our brand through contests in which they can earn a discount or even a completely free product.

Product's release

This type of process is good to take to Instagram to generate expectations among our followers in addition to showing them the advantages of our new product or service.

User generated content

UGC campaigns or user generated content encourages the interaction of the company with its followers. This type of campaign consists in the fact that the users themselves share images or videos where they show your products. This not only helps to create a bond with our customers but also to promote among others what we have to offer in addition to having content that we can use on our website, for example.

Source: Merca20.

Do you want to create your own mobile app?

There are many who are in need of having a web application for your company given the current times and the constant use of mobile devices by customers. However, not everyone is a programmer and many of us do not know much about this world and its processes. is the tool we need.

Completely online, it will allow us to create mobile applications in an easy and intuitive way. In it we can choose various elements with which to create our application and give certain effects: design, data, styles, plugins, among others, are the ones we can choose.

The tool allows us to customize each element, so we can add text, images, Google Maps or file loaders.

The only "bad" thing about this tool is that it is in English at the moment, so those who are not familiar with the language could be limited by this. Still, it is completely recommended for those who want to create a web application and are not experts in the art of programming, since it is so easy to use and so customizable that we can even backtrack in case of errors and continue working with the elements that this web gives us.

Source: Omicrono.

OPHFOODIE, administrative system for your restaurant

OPHFOODIE is the administrative system that Ophyra Marketing Group puts at your disposal to manage everything related to your gastronomic business.

Through it, you can manage a letter with which your customers can place their orders before going to the bar or restaurant or even doing it from the same through an authorized arrangement. You can also manage deliveries and even your servers can edit orders as they serve a customer.

This system has the following user levels:
  • Administrator: you can manage the product category, manage the map of tables available in the establishment, create users at different levels, manage the delivery option and their schedules, manage the sales report, inventory control and times.
  • Cashier: you can create the order and associate it with a customer or a table, assign a waiter, add or remove items from the order and close it to proceed with billing.
  • Waiter: with an authorized mobile device and the order number issued per box, you can upload items to an order to generate the subtotal, without taxes, of the order.
  • Kitchen: you can view, at all times, the orders made by order of issuance as well as the characteristic details of each one (term of the meat, for example, condiments to be used or not ...). Once the order is ready, it is selected that it is ready for delivery or you can even assign a delivery person.
  • Delivery: receive the order together with the complete information of where it should go, that is, name and contact number, exact address and other information. When you deliver the order, you mark it as delivered to proceed with the next shipment.
  • Client: is the person who places the order, either from home through the Internet or at the establishment using an authorized device. You can also make the payment through the application with electronic transfer or credit card as well as monitor the status of your order and qualify in terms of quality.

Depending on the requested plan, OPHFOODIE offers you the following benefits:

Services General Plus App
$39.99 per month $ 79.99 per month $119.99 per month
Custom self-managing menu    
Management of product categories and subcategories    
Sales cart    
Featured products    
Option for payments with credit cards, transfers or
bank deposits
Discount coupons    
History of sales and processed orders    
Activation and deactivation of the delivery option    
Tracking of products ordered at home    
Loading of areas (tables or drinks bars inside the
Management of orders within the establishment, using
devices assigned for customers, waiters and cash
View of the orders processed in the kitchen with real-time update    
Sales report by period, product, users, promotions implemented and schedules of increased traffic  
Interactive chat with up to 4 analysts  
Implementation of up to 3 additional languages (English, Spanish, French and Portuguese available)  
Option to convert into mobile app (Android and iOS available)

Graphispag 2019

The new edition of Graphispag will take place from March 26 to 29, 2019 in Hall 2 of the Gran Via exhibition center.

More than 200 exhibitors of graphic technology will participate in this fair dedicated to digitization, personalization and design. Leading companies such as HP, Roland DG, Epson, Heidelberg Spain, Konica Minolta or Agfa. Already 65% ​​of the space has been reserved by these and other exhibitors.

The machinery and printing equipment sectors will be highlighted in this new edition. However, it is expected that more companies of materials and media will actively participate, as well as those that are dedicated to the sectors of ink and consumables.

It will also include an exhibition section dedicated to products, materials and technological solutions for designers, as well as services for them. Last year, 17% of the visitors were designers and it is expected that in this 2019 increase this number as well as that of illustrators, students and creators.

Source: Ide-e.

Graphic design tendencies for 2019

Code web Barcelona, ​​from their experience, bring us what will be the trends of 2019 in terms of graphic design. Meet the styles that we have already seen in 2018 but that may have a big boom next year and be part of various advertising or marketing campaigns.

Color Channel

Have you seen those images in which yellow, blue and red are separated in layers? That's what this style is about. It owes its name to the color channels and seeks to produce a new image by separating them. But not only to separate them but also to be creative in terms of positions, if we talk about a photo or separate the chromatic spectrum.


It is a visual effect that consists in making the image appear as if it had an error, a digital file error. The lines with pixels or broken are highly estimated and, well used, can give the image uniqueness and style.

Color explosion

It involves the use of bright and eye-catching colors within an illustration or photograph. Obviously, a good combination is important but what draws attention to this style is that basic effect almost eighty.


It is the "destroyed" effect. In it, we have broken photographs or assemblies of elements that flake, giving them an appearance of images of the early twentieth.


Although it is not an effect as such, typographies in recent years are increasingly elaborate and striking. It is larger, personal, almost like an illustration in itself, being it the main element of an image.

Illustration on photography

Although to some it seems that this is an aberration, the truth is that this style has given a new focus to photography as well as to illustrations. As the name implies, it is about superimposing illustrations on a photograph to complement it or make it unique in a fun and entertaining way.

8 tools to improve your digital marketing

Digital marketing is very important nowadays but many times the tools that can help us be more effective are not exactly free. That is why we give you this list of 8 applications that you can use at no cost.

Google Alerts

Monitor your brand or product on the network, by using a keyword. Through this tool, you will be able to verify where that keyword appears that you have used and in which web page. It does not monitor social networks.


Unlike Google Alerts, this tool monitors social networks so you can use it in combination with the first to cover a wider range.

Social Mention

This application analyzes the contents on the Internet in order to know who mentions us, where and when, whether in blogs or social networks.

Ubersuggest - Neilpatel

It is an alternative tool to Google's Keyword Planner, so it will help you identify which words you should use in your content to improve your SEO.


Make benchmarking reports and other statistics for your website.


It will help you analyze various SEO aspects of your website, especially the backlinks used.


With it you can create your own bot to insert it into your web page in a simple way, especially for those who are not experts in programming.


With this tool you will be able to record in video everything that users do in your web page, which is something very valuable to measure the behavior of the users.

Source: Tecno Hotel News.

Discover gamification

Gamification consists in integrating a certain modality of videogames to your web page or an application in order to make it more attractive and dynamic for your users. For example, you can integrate prizes or rewards when using your application, in this way people will find a reason to use them constantly, given their competitive nature.

This system ensures the loyalty of your users as well as their commitment for a long time, in addition to throwing good results for your company. This is because it achieves an emotional connection with your customers as well as giving your website a different touch, since you can implement different systems to each section to make them unique.


  • Increase the commitment of your customers.
  • Increase loyalty as well as favorable opinions towards your company.
  • Give rewards to your users gives them the feeling of having met some goal.
  • Differentiate each section of your web page by using different systems in each one.


  • Some believe that using too basic systems create a fun experience when it is not. The competitive status must be maintained.
  • You can not force people to play only because then the fun factor would be lost.
  • The games should be fun, motivating and innovative so that they do not become only work, since work is not associated with fun.
Source: Survey any place.

12 advices to appearing on Google

Appear in the most important search engines, such as Google, if you have an online store, is almost an essential requirement to ensure your sales or at least position yourself among possible future customers. However, this is not something that can be achieved so easily. This is where SEO starts up, but what should I take into account to make searches more effective?

1. Site speed

Google works with algorithms and, believe it or not, if your web page does not load quickly it can leave you a little outside at the time of a search. You can use Google Page Speed ​​to determine how fast it is.

2. User experience

What users say about your web page is also considered, so you should try to give them a positive experience to be able to be positioned in the search engine. Limit the use of banners as well as facilitate navigation on your site and avoid covering content that redirects to other sections or pages.

3. Domain authority

It is built over time: it is about the quality of your website, its contents, the links associated with it. You can not hope to achieve this in the short term. You must be consistent so that authority grows over time.

4. Content quality

You must take care of the quality of what you publish on your website, not only on the subject but also on the form, the way it is written. Spelling is important and it is thanks to it that users determine whether the page in question is relevant or not.

5. Content length

What is considered quality content usually has 2,000 words or more. It is content that, in general, is not superfluous but interesting to read and consume.

6. Keywords

Keywords are a good tool to position your website. Include them, naturally, in the content as well as in the title of the same, in the description and even the URL.

7. Multimedia presence

Do not leave out the multimedia content. Nowadays, videos or podcasts are almost as important as a post as well as calling attention more easily, without leaving aside the coherence of what you offer.

8. Commitment

It is necessary that the content keep the user inside your page for several minutes, not just enter, review and leave, since Google measures this too. Try to offer content that keeps them focused on the subject, you can also use bullets to facilitate reading or divide it into sections.

9. Design

If the website does not load correctly on any device, even mobile phones, then it's time to rethink the design. In addition, it should be easy to load and visually appealing.

10. Reading level

A good vocabulary at the time of writing always helps. It considers that although a post should not be at the level of a PhD, it must be written with sufficient academic level to be considered by Google.

11. Sources

And not the typographical ones but those from where you get the information. Take advantage of the hyperlinks to do this, both to enhance the website from which you obtained the information and for Google to identify the use of the same in your post.

12. Scope of data

Try to make your content unique in terms of data and information. Give that added value to make it stand out and differentiate from others. In addition, this type of content is valued by readers since it shows that you have researched enough to write based on a specific topic and not only limit yourself to copipaslate what is in other websites.

Source: Entrepreneur.

If I'm a entrepreneur, should I be a leader too?

Entrepreneurship involves more than just setting up a business: it requires hours of dedication as well as people who support our idea. Entrepreneurship is to carry out an idea we have and promote it, rather than just capitalize it.

This generates new employment opportunities as well as enriches our lives through experience. That is why it is necessary to be a leader.

Leadership is not something that is only said or that is so simple to apply: it demands from us, especially from our attitude. One of the most valuable characteristics of a leader is his ability to stay positive in any situation and inspire confidence in those around him. Education, dedication, passion and charisma are elements that will help keep the business as well as are easily reflected in what we do: our clients will see it and may be attracted to that energy.

We can not undertake alone so we must know how to care for and value our human capital. Also, undertaking requires changes and that generates uncertainty, and the vision of a leader is what is needed to overcome the obstacles to reach an objective and immediately go for another.

A leader does it for himself and relies on his teammates, unlike a boss who expects others to do it.

Source: Cainem.

6 steps to became a leader

Much has been said that a boss is not a leader, and vice versa. However, not everyone understands the difference between both terms or even how to become true leaders. What do we need?

1. Positivism

A good leader should always be motivated to perform any task as well as be able to have a positive vision, which will inspire those around him. Read every day something that inspires you and that will spread to your employees.

2. Zero negativity

Although this advice can be taken as a copy of the previous one, it is one thing to be positive and another to lock ourselves in negative visions. We must leave this bad practice aside because it generates dissatisfaction and doubt in your employees, in addition to poisoning the work environment until it becomes toxic.

3. Rate your team

Motivating your employees is always beneficial. You must know what is important to them and what drives them to work for you. Rewarding them when something is achieved, even if it is small, will stimulate them. It should not be money only: recognition or a gift are highly valued.

4. Delegate tasks

If you have a good work environment, you can leave tasks to your employees. While we should not always monopolize them all, this can help generate responsibilities in your work team as well as stimulate creativity in them.

5. Do not blame anyone

When something bad happens in the company, you should not blame someone specifically. More than looking for a culprit, try to solve the problem as a team, in addition to preventing that situation from happening again in conjunction with your employees. And if the culprit in particular does not want to support, it is time to take action.

6. Requirements

A good leader must be demanding. Mediocrity should not be part of the daily bread. However, you must know how to motivate and inspire your team to achieve excellence.

Source: Emprender fácil.

5 advices to increase competitivity in your business

The competitiveness in a company consists in the capacity that it has to achieve its welfare based on the production it has. For this, it depends on raw materials, human resources and capital in order to ensure the quality of its products.

A company is more competitive than another if it produces more at lower cost, without neglecting total production, efficiency and quality. However, innovation and uniqueness of the product also influences competitiveness. So, how to make our companies competitive?

1. Training

Although some may not believe it, talented people within our company are the ones who can help us improve their processes. That is why we must have trained personnel.

2. Important areas

Prioritize those areas of your company that need improvement. If you see that the technology department, for example, is a little behind, it's time to renew or improve it.

3. Processes

As well as the areas, check which processes you can improve first.

4. Applications

Use various tools or applications to achieve your goals. Also establishing metrics and commitment within a period of time can be helpful.

5. Constant training

Your human resources are your greatest asset. That is why you should always promote education in your employees since an effective production of your company depends on them.

Source: Bolivia emprende.

10 advices for a successful digital convertion

Carlos Bayona, CEO of Digital Enterprise, lists the ten keys that every company must consider if it wants to undertake the digitalization process.

1. Technology is not enough

Many companies believe that with new technology they will achieve effective results. It is not like this. If you want more productivity and competitiveness you must make a change in management. The technology must be to make use of it but the changes are made by us.

2. Presence of the directive

Digitizing a company should not be the responsibility of a single department. The board should also be aware of their impressions as well as to support what is necessary.

3. Vision of the company

Before digitizing our company, we must be clear about the purpose of this step, as well as this must be aligned with the general objectives of the company.

4. Starting situation and objective

It does not hurt to have a projection of the company for the moment of the digitalization, considering also the current situation and verifying if it is beneficial or not the change.

5. Transformation plan

You must have both long-term and short-term plans that keep your company protected in some way during the change.

6. A promoter

Having someone to lead the projects can help you with all the processes involved in the transformation of your company.

7. Commitment

Your work team must be committed to the change that the company is about to execute. In this way, they will help you to do it as well as be attentive to any inconvenience that may occur.

8. Urgency

For every day that you spend thinking whether to do it or not, it's time that you lose competitively speaking. It is not that you should address the change immediately without plans or strategies but, if you are going to do it, you should consider the time that you stop investing in it.

9. Economic impact assessment

While money is important, we must also consider quality. We can not get carried away by the cheapness of a project but rather if this is the one that suits us or not.

10. Objectives and goals valued

We must consider that the digital transformation of our company must be done hand in hand with both processes and personnel. Our staff must also be trained for new functions or processes and these, in turn, should help us reduce costs and ensure quality.

Source: Tecnoalimen.

Few advices of marketing for small business

Marketing is not an exclusive tool of large companies: small and medium companies can benefit from this element since it is, above all, to increase the visibility of our products and improve the image of our company before our consumers. We bring you some tips for you to use in your favor.

1. Determine your audience

According to the branch of our business, we must be very clear about the target audience we are targeting. Knowing this is extremely important in marketing.

2. Print advertising

Some companies continue to invest in this advertising. If you are going to do it, try to get it delivered to the right person. It is good to win the hearts of your locals before going for others.

3. Other forms of advertising

It is not necessary to use all types of advertising: the ideal is to choose the one that suits your business. For example, if it is videogames, using an audiovisual advertisement is a good option.

4. Hire a freelance

Having a marketing expert on your payroll, knowing you are just getting started, is not such a good idea. But having a freelance to help you in your advertising strategies, as well as someone who supports you in the image of your brand, is a slightly more viable option.

Source: Rostbrief.

OPHDATE, the service will allow you to manage dates

So is. At Ophyra Marketing Group we know how important the internet is to all as users as well as the need of our clients to be able to manage appointments for the offering of their services.

The administrative management system of appointments OPHDATE will allow you, as a company, the opportunity to offer your clients the possibility of scheduling appointments. Do you have a hairdresser or maybe you administer a veterinary clinic? Your customers can choose the day that suits them best to attend your establishment, whether for a day of personal mime or your pet, all from the comfort of their homes to do it through the Internet.

OPHDATE has different user levels such as: 
  • Administrator: this is where you can manage everything related to your services, from loading them, update information, add users with other levels (such as analyst, for example), verify the number of appointments requested in the system, access to the different reports on the operation and operation of the platform. 
  • Analyst: is the level at which other users can attend your customers and see the information related to the appointment. They even have the power to reassign them in case of any inconvenience. 
  • Assistant: at this level, the user will only have access to the information of the appointments. This person can call your clients to confirm appointments, delete them or reassign them. 
  • Client: as the name implies, it is to whom you offer your services. Clients only have the option to process their appointments, consult them or cancel them if they consider.
With this service, we also give you the option of managing technical files with which to manage the patient's history in case you wish to consult it in the future. You can also attach documentation that can be seen by your clients and that will complement the information stored. There is also a payment panel where the customer can pay for the service by credit card, bank transfer or deposit.

OPHDATE offers different services depending on the level you hire:

$39.99 per month
$ 49.99 per month
$79.99 per month
Option to load schedules and concepts available
Registration panel and quick booking appointment
Panel of prices and conditions update
Featured services or promotions for services
Historical reservations processed in the system by analysts
Reserve report for periods, analysts and services offered
Option for cancellations or appointments reassignment
Option for registering customer files (Information customized by license)
Option for loading documents that can be viewed by the client from their panels
Interactive chat with up to 4 analysts
Implementation of up to 3 additional languages ​​(English, Spanish, French and Portuguese)
Option to convert to Mobile APP (Android and IOS available)

In case of paying 12 continuous months, you can receive up to 15% discount on the total of the plan.

Google announces its new reCAPTCHA version

The reCAPTCHA has become a very frequent system of several websites to authenticate that we are not bots trying to access certain content. Either choosing an image or writing the text that it shows us, it has become a necessary evil: it is tedious.

Google has announced a new version of reCAPTCHA that promises to be much simpler, since it would be based on a scoring system that would take into account our activity on the website (clicks, displacement, interactions, among others).

That is, depending on what we do on the website, this system will determine if we are human, given that a robot would not have the same way of navigating on that page. If the system notices that this is the case, it will interrupt the interaction to request a more exact verification.

Developers can decide how they want the system to be implemented on their website as well as choose the type of verification.

Source: What's new.

Adidas, Nike and its competition

We all know the great brands, whether because of the innovative advertising of recent times as well as because of the tradition that each carries with it. However, few know the competition that exists between them, at least as consumers.

Adidas and Nike are two of the best known brands worldwide in terms of clothing and footwear and sports. It was at the Olympics in China that both brands had a tough battle.

The Olympics is a sporting event that has millions of spectators around the world thanks to the nature of it: an international sports competition divided into specialties.

Becoming one of the brands used by an athlete during the event ensures an advertising that more than one will want to see as well as a certain status since not any brand gets that high. Or at the feet or head of sportsmen highly known in the world and with millions of followers.

Adidas and Nike disputed the presence in the Olympics. While it is possible that they have spent millions to appear strategically as clothing or footwear of certain athletes, the truth is that the publicity obtained would generate more than they invested, since the spectators of the event would immediately see that such or such items are the sale and they would buy it only to imitate or support their idols. In China, for example, both brands had an enormous acceptance and, therefore, a good profit.

Not only do both brands profit in this way: their marketing has helped enormously to stay in the market. The image, the slogan, are very important elements. While it seems strange to us, as consumers, to see a brand change its slogan, this is part of a marketing strategy that has helped them to embrace more followers and be much more accepted. A simple but effective phrase can achieve it.

Far from what we believe, both Adidas and Nike not only have a good source of investment but also with the marketing intelligence enough to stay among the first places. 

Source: El espectador.

5 benefits of an e-marketplace

The internet has facilitated many processes as time passes. One of them is purchases: we can buy products through the web and wait in the comfort of our homes or offices to reach directly our hands. The e-marketplaces allow us this.

An e-marketplace is that online space in which a company places its products and services at the disposal of its visitors so that they can acquire them through a payment system via the web. This type of business has certain advantages.

1. Positioning

Internet search engines, like Google, position your web page according to certain elements and algorithms. The e-marketplaces, in general, are among the first results.

2. Cost savings

The e-marketplaces do not charge you for hosting or electronic infrastructure. They hardly charge a commission or monthly fee for which the costs are significantly reduced.

3. Payment method

Not so much the customer to you but yours to the platform: the customer pays it and then it pays you, so you would not have to worry about paying the commission since the system automatically debits the payment.

4. Internationalization and shipping

Being on the internet, you are not limited to selling your products in your country only. Your client can be anywhere! In addition to this, the marketplaces have agreements with some shipping companies in general, so this helps a lot.

5. Proximity with other complementary vendors

The crosselling is to sell your product with another to make it more attractive so, when selling online, you can meet other sellers with whom to make an alliance. 

Source: Stel Order.

What is an e-commerce?

An e-commerce consists, in general, in the sale of products and services through the internet. At first, data was marketed only as, but as the Internet progressed, some people saw in the 2.0 world the opportunity they needed. An e-commerce knows no borders so the public can be anywhere in the world.
In general, e-commerce has four sections.

1. Information

Every web page must have a space in which visitors can access information about the company: see what it is about, what its values ​​are, among other elements.

2. Catalogue

This is where your customers can access the products you have for sale, their information, benefits and prices.

3. Processing of orders

Once your client chooses your product, you must specify and configure the order in order to make it effective in your system and provide you with the necessary information to send your purchase.

4. Payment method

Your client must indicate the way in which he will cancel his product, which must be safe for both and avoid possible frauds.

Source: Marketing digital.

Graphic design for your company

Because the visual is always important, Ophyra Marketing Group puts at your disposal its Graphic Design service.

From the creation of cards and logos, we also create animations that you can use in your social networks. Custom images for you to use in them, banners, cards and other elements that you need to give a unique image to your company.

Some of the services that Ophyra Marketing Group offers you are:
  •     Photo shoots
  •     Audiovisual editions
  •     Custom logos
  •     Flyers printable or for RRSS
  •     Banners, cover photos and profile for RRSS
  •     Brochures
  •     Postcards
  •     Invitations (physical or digital)
  •     Business cards
  •     Among others.
What do you expect to give your company that image you need?