
Build your own buyer persona

As entrepreneurs, we have at least a rough idea of ​​what our ideal client should be like or what kind of person we want to reach with our product or service. However, in the world of marketing there is the concept of buyer persona which can help us much better when thinking about who is our ideal client.

A buyer persona is an image that meets the characteristics of our best possible customer. Therefore, he is the ideal person to consult about our business.

To create one, we must take into account the information we can obtain from our real customers. This can be done through surveys, for example. Some of the data to consider are:

Demographics: where you are and your level of education, for example. As well as age, sex, marital status, location, educational level, income level, among other elements. 

Psychological data: focuses more on the behavior of your ideal client. That is why you must take into account
  •     his interests and what he spends his free time,
  •     lifestyle and in what environments it moves,
  •     objectives and motivations,
  •     problems and challenges you face,
  •     behavior in various situations.
Offer: this is the time to evaluate how our product fits with the profile or needs of the person we have created, taking into account all of the above. The ideal is to leave him satisfied. 

Evaluation: once created our buyer person, we must analyze it through a new survey:
  •     How many people like my buyer can I find?
  •     Is a single type of buyer person enough or do I need more?
  •     Where can I find them?
  •     How can I take my product?
  •     Does my product solve a problem or need they have?
  •     Can they pay it?
  •     Do I understand your shopping habits?
The more specific you are in the creation of your buyer person, you can analyze more specific features as well as create more effective products and with greater chances of success.

Source: Fotógrafo inteligente.

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