
What is geomarketing?

Geomarketing is a tool that allows us to visualize the situation of a business in terms of its location, taking into account its points of sale, branches, clientele, competition, among other elements. This allows us to have a perspective with which to make decisions to continue maintaining our business or improve our strategies.

A geomarketing plan consists of the collection of a customer's data through commercial transactions, so that a database is created with which the company can launch promotional campaigns according to this information.

You can also identify market strategy opportunities if the information obtained is correctly analyzed. As well as the number of customers against the competition, for example.

Some of the benefits of this tool are:
  • Optimization of marketing investment
  • Greater knowledge of the market
  • Design of sales areas
  • Determine the area of ​​influence
  • Potential market analysis
  • Among other benefits
Source: Marketing en redes sociales.

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