
Google prepares new changes for it's platform

Google is one of the most renowned and used search engine in the world. This (se debe) to te quantity of results indexed to it's system, Google is easy to use and it's simple but interactive (with doodles) design makes it attractive for users.

Google advances every day. But now they're preparing some new feats to make more easier to search in it.

One of them is that results will be showed differently: a lateral menu bar will pop up at right and it will (superpondrá) over results in order to give us options related to our search.

Interesting? This is just the beginning because the company didn't give official information about it's changes. This one were showed by a Twitter user, @CulerOver9000, whom wanted to share it with his friends and followers. So, which changes Google has for us?

Source: Andro4all.

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