
Design Thinking in 5 steps

Design Thinking is changing marketing's world since 10 years. Products as iPhone, Uber, Airbnb, Instagram, Snapchat, Spotify and Nest were created under this concept, but what is it?

Design Thinking is the connection between your product and service with what consumer really needs. To establish this, we need to know what are the necessities our consumers have and create a strategy to satisfy these needs at the same time we empathize with users. Know what motivates and bothers them will allow us to give them a better experience.

To achieve this, we need to follow some steps:


We need to investigate our consumers behaviour and understand their needs. We have to consider their environment and realities and, also, be informed about the last of social, technological and economic tendencies.


When the step before is completed, we must to identify where are our problems in order to restructure our business, products or service line.


Our clients have a problem and it's our duty to solve it. We must to ideate innovative solutions based on the information we have.


We have the idea and now is time to materialize it. For it, we can create a prototype (a sketch, model or just a box) which allow us to visualize, more tangibly, our idea in order to see how good is our solution or what we need to change.


It's the turn of our consumers to check. They will be our guides to identify failures we need to solve, what we need to improve or what we can implement.

If all of this could look difficult or extensive, these pfases will help us to find the innovative and ideal solution that our clients need thanks to the information we compile since the beginning.

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