
applications that you should not download on your cell phone

This year Google announced that it eliminated more than 700,000 harmful applications for Android, a figure that exceeds by 70% the 2016 estimates.

Many of those apps often offer miraculous solutions to frequent problems.

These are some of them:

1. Those that promise to save battery

Running out of battery on your cell phone is one of the most frequent problems.

Sometimes, it happens at the most unexpected or urgent moment, and it can be tempting to download an app to solve the problem.

If you want to save battery, it is best to try to better manage the consumption yourself and eliminate the applications that use more data (especially the ones you never use). You can also put the phone in "night" mode or battery saving ".

Another option is to check the battery configuration and close what more energy is consuming.

2. Those who "clean" the phone

Other applications say they are able to improve cell phone performance by doing a "cleaning". The most famous is Clean Master.

To delete hidden data in your cell phone you can go to "Settings" and search "Storage" and "Cache data". There you will find the option "Clean".

It is also not advisable to trust applications that promise to clean RAM.

3. Those that "refresh" the cell phone
Overheating the phone is also a frequent problem. Sometimes it happens because he was exposed too much time to the sun. Others, for a virus or battery failures, or for using the device without rest.

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