
Inbound marketing, engagement and omnicanality: what are they?

Internet connection is commonplace for many users today but, more than being connected to our computers, we are to our smart devices such as smartphones or tablets. This has meant that many companies not only rethink their presence on the internet but also to make themselves accessible in the different existing platforms. Digital marketing considers this and that is why it has 3 fundamental bases to make the strategies effective.

Inbound marketing

Concept created by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah in 2005, consists of the advertising of our brand in a not so invasive way without neglecting the attractiveness.

Through various techniques that help position our brand, inbound marketing seeks to attract more users to our website and make them become leads, that is, leave us with information to contact them in the future.

For this, we must consider four steps:

  • Attraction
  • Conversion
  • Education
  • Loyalty


It is about the commitment that a product or service acquires after it is consolidated among its consumers: when it is possible to create a solid and lasting relationship with a client, the engagement with them is greater.

Achieving this is not easy and requires not only patience but also a lot of time to achieve it. However, it manages to position our brand in the long term in the heads of our consumers, thus improving our image and allowing us to reach many more users. As long as there are more consumers who believe in our brand, more value will have it.


As we discussed before, not only computers allow us access to the internet: smartphones and tablets too.

We must consider the presence of our company must adapt to these three platforms correctly, since the capacity of each one is different as well as the visualization. Our inbound marketing strategy must work according to this.

Of course, for all this to work we must be aware of our consumers: who are they? What do they want? That look for? Only then will we be able to find the perfect strategy with which to reach them, commit ourselves and adapt to their customs and needs.

Source: Malex.

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