
Advantages and disadvantages of being in social media

Many companies consider that having a presence in social networks is one of the most successful decisions they could have in terms of attracting customers and paying attention to them. However, not everything is rosy: being on social networks is not easy and, at times, it can be a double-edged sword.


Increase visibility

Thousands of users use them every day so having presence in them allows us to reach them.

Traffic for our page

These users can also become potential followers of our website.

Improve the image

If we have a good marketing strategy, the networks can help us to deal more quickly with the doubts or the bad opinion that customers have of our services.

Easier communication

The interaction with consumers is simpler and, before them, we take a more committed and close image with them.

They allow to know the market

With the networks we have access to information about the current market situation as well as knowing the demands of our public.



Some companies that networks are only to promote themselves. It is not like this. Users also want to be heard and, in this world, what matters is they, not the company.


If you make a mistake, it will be exposed to everyone. Just as we are prone to trolls or people who are always dissatisfied.


They demand too much time on our part. It takes effort to see results from the medium to long term.

They are not free

Some networks have paid options that can help us boost our brand, without mentioning that we must have a professional who is solely responsible for them.


Being so exposed, our competitors can see what our strategy is about.

Source: Solo Marketing.

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