
How can I positionate my brand?

Brand's positioning is the place where our company is in consumers minds. This position could be obtained depending in our attributes, benefits or principles, as well as our target.

Every single element must be relevant and generate impact in our consumers in order to make a positive image: our consumers could think that our company is different and, of course, better than any other. For example, Coca-Cola is the best drink and Nokia's cellphones keeps as people's favorites. This is due to their traditions and qualities (the red band, it's familiar flavor, cellphone's durability...) that persist in our heads.

So, how can we positionate our brand?


Our company has features: antiquity, size, our principles... It would be perfect if we choose some of this attributes in order to stand out over them. If we choose many, it will be difficult to take a place in our consumers minds.


Our products or services must give a benefit. If don't, so why our clients would pick us? If we sell a soap, we should consider not only wash bodies but also protect them of germs.

Quality and price

We can offer the best product at the lowest price or even do the opposite as Apple does: they sell expensives cellphones because their quality is unique.


We must stand out over them and show why our brand is better. Oral-B, for example, always mentions it's quality over "another toothpastes".


Some products can be used in determined situations. Gatorade is a good example because it's renowned and this drink is for drinking after exercise. We need to exploit this trait.


As we have competitors, we're in a especifical commercial branch. We need to stand out, as Rolex did: they're a top company of watches all over the world.

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