
A look to the future, the benefits of technology

10 benefits of technology:

Technology allows us to create projects at different scales that make us more easily develop our ability to think, create and engineer

- We learn to handle the squares for the realization of plates and drawings

- We learn to work with electricity, in a safe way

-We know closely the name and functions of the tools we use in technology class

-We understand how to make objects with recyclable material

- Something important that I have learned is that suddenly if in the first time to do something I do not get what I expected, I must insist and persevere until reaching solocitado.

-Technology facilitates the way to communicate with other people who are far away

- The evolution of building machines that help meet the needs of the human being

- It allows us to know about the good use that should be given to wood, not to end forest areas

-The technology has been developed to make things simpler and easier for man.

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