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Advertising and the mind of the consumer.

Advertising and the mind of the consumer. What is the Psychology of advertising? 

 What does it consist of? 

This is a field of study that "is dedicated to the analysis of the impact that advertising has on people, studying their characteristics and dissemination."

 The objective of this branch of knowledge is to gather information about the consumption habits of people, so that those responsible for Marketing of companies can design advertising campaigns with greater guarantees of success.

 Its radius of action is quite broad, because the Psychology of advertising covers the study of sounds, images, sensations, emotions, smells ..., that is, all those elements that are likely to affect the behavior of the target audience. Techniques of advertising psychology Image result for mind Within the psychology of advertising, the expert Akshay Nanavati, in his article 15 Psychological Triggers to Convert Leads into Customers, compiles the main strategies to seduce the consumer.

The logo of your company is important in ophyra we advise you

Why a good logo is important for your company? 

"The art and mystery of the world are not in the invisible, but in the visible, and in what it proposes in the eyes" - Oscar Wilde. 

The image of a company is the most important, it is what identifies it from others and makes the user prefer it. The image ranges from the colors used, the advertising that is handled, the design of the establishments, the advertisements, the language, to the logo.

 What is a logo? 

A logo is a distinctive design made up of letters, symbols, colors, which serve to identify a business or company.
Every company needs a logo, this is the identity of the company, it is a symbol that represents their values ​​and what they want to make known. Therefore, a good logo is the basis of any company, if it does not attract attention, it is very likely that the consumer easily forget the company. The more symbolic our logo is, the easier it will be to remember it. According to Manuel Estrada, creator of Design, a good logo can increase sales or results of a company up to 15%. When thinking about a brand, the first thing you think about is the logo. 

This happens as companies use all possible means to make it known. Did you know that each person receives at least 3,000 

advertising hits per day? 

With social networks, brands should get the attention of the consumer instantaneously, this due to the infinity of content that appear in your feed. What companies show in their profile is what is going to stand out from others, and this is thanks to its logo.There are many examples in the market, Coca Cola with its distinctive red color, Apple with its apple, Adidas with its three bars, etc. All can identify these logos and what companies are treated, this is because from the beginning these companies managed to capture the customer's attention. Your brand must be strong and with this your logo too, so you will show your client the quality of your company and your services. 

Who can help me with the design of my logo?

 The design of your logo must be one of the first decisions you make when creating your business, leaving it always in the hands of experienced people, such as graphic designers.
So that a designer can help you with your logo, you must first have defined what you want for your company, the values ​​you want to show, your goals, where you want it to arrive, etc.

5 innovative ideas to increase sales in the Marketplace

"Selling through marketplaces alleviates costs in the short term, so it is usually a very attractive alternative for those who are just starting out."
The sale through the own channels has many advantages, but it is not the only option. It depends on the sector in which you want to sell, you can choose one option or another. For example, Zalando is highly recommended for fashion, while for the technology sector PcComponentes is becoming a benchmark.

In any case, I will not be talking about anything unknown if I mention Amazon as the leader par excellence. This is so, because as a marketplace it has managed to make users able to sell our articles: Saving costs of diffusion and online positioning. Offering secure payment systems and, in some cases, logistics management. What to consider in your strategy to sell online?
More than ideas, I would call them popularly known techniques or practices in my area (content marketing), and that from my clients' own experience I know they work.As you had been counting, so far we have seen what are the options when selling online. Now we will see 7 specific ideas with which to improve certain aspects of your global marketing strategy.

I am sure that these practices can also be of great help to you when answering the eternal question of how to sell online. Here I leave you:

1) Improves the user experience and web usability

Be clear that your 360 marketing strategy can go to waste if your website is not ready to give the best of itself.
The user experience and web usability are two basic aspects that must be taken into account when launching any type of online project, and even more so if it is a sales channel.

2) Includes calls to action

Calls to action are messages that are usually presented as a button and that direct users towards a specific action. In this case, they could be calls to visit a letter of products, add an item to the basket or complete the purchase process. However, depending on the channel that we are and the message to be disseminated, they can also be used to obtain subscriptions to a newsletter or to download valuable content.

3) Share your story with good storytelling

In this sense, storytelling refers to the technique with which to tell this story in the right way to create an enveloping atmosphere that makes users enter it. That they feel each one of the emotions that you want to transmit and that they make them theirs.Applying emotions in commercial messages is one of the best ways to humanize a brand. Getting to transmit something to users through your story will make them feel closer, more human and more reliable.

4) Copy in the texts that describe your products 

Think that users can not touch them or get a totally faithful idea of ​​their physical appearance. For this reason, along with the images the product descriptions have a lot to say in an online purchase decision.Whether you are going to continue to develop a complete

strategy or if you are going to sell your products in a marketplace, you should keep in mind the relevance of the detailed description of the products or services you offer.

5) Apply email copywriting techniques As I have said before, email marketing is one of the best valued communication channels, because it is not intrusive to allow ourselves to be the one who chose the moment to review the received messages. However, to get a campaign sent through email to have the desired effect, we must apply email copywriting techniques in the different text fields such as the subject, the body of the message and, of course, the calls to action.

Unveiling the commercial reality of the company: with the analysis of the SWOT matrix

The SWOT matrix or SWOT is an analysis tool that can be applied to any situation, individual, product, company, etc., that is acting as an object of study at a specific moment in time. It is as if a "radiography" of a specific situation of the particular thing that is being studied is taken. The variables analyzed and what they represent in the matrix are particular to that moment. After analyzing them, strategic decisions must be made to improve the current situation in the future. The SWOT analysis is a tool that allows us to create a picture of the current situation of the object of study (person, company or organization, etc.), thus allowing us to obtain an accurate diagnosis that allows us to make decisions in accordance with the objectives and policies formulated. In marketing, the DOFA matrix is ​​the link that allows us to go from the analysis of the internal and external environments of the company to the formulation and selection of strategies to follow in the market. The 4 dimensions of the SWOT matrix Strengths: these are the special capabilities that the company has and that allow it to have a privileged position in front of the competition. Resources that are controlled, skills and abilities that are possessed, activities that develop positively, etc. Opportunities: are those factors that are positive, favorable, exploitable, that must be discovered in the environment in which the company operates and that allow competitive advantages to be obtained. Weaknesses: those factors that cause an unfavorable position in front of the competition, resources that are lacking, skills that are not possessed, activities that do not develop positively, etc. Threats: are those situations that come from the environment and can even threaten the permanence of the organization. Both strengths and weaknesses are internal to the organization, so it is possible to act directly on them. On the other hand, opportunities and threats are external and can only be interfered with by modifying the internal aspects.

Determine the advertising effectiveness in your company


 Yes, we agree with you, as an entrepreneur there are many aspects to consider before making the difficult decision to make or not, an advertising campaign. Choose advertising agency, define your target consumer, select the media in which to advertise and, most complicated of all, decide what part of your profit account is going to be allocated to the advertising action. It is time to make numbers and it is normal that the first questions that come to mind are: How long will it take to recover my investment? Does my business need to advertise? Will it be profitable for my company? Advertising has long ceased to be a discipline where only the "altar of creativity" was adored. Today we only give "good" advertising that we understand as effective. But ... What is advertising effectiveness really? Can you measure? Put the calculator back in the drawer and clarify some key concepts first. What is advertising effectiveness? This concept has been the instrument usually used to measure the results of an advertising campaign or advertisement. The advertising effectiveness must be defined according to the advertising objects. Therefore, an advertising action will be effective as long as it meets the objectives for which it was designed. 

 How should these objectives be? 

 In order to determine if your advertising action has been effective or not, you must first ensure that the objectives you meet meet the following requirements: They must be specific and measurable. You must know under what conditions of departure are established to avoid setting objectives that have already been achieved. They must have a perfectly defined target audience.

 They have to be established for a certain period of time.

 They must be specified in writing to avoid errors and facilitate the preparation and evaluation of the advertising campaign. Should my campaign always meet the same goals? Contrary to what many believe, there are advertising objectives that go beyond the simple increase in the sales of a product or service and therefore, the effectiveness of these advertising actions will be determined by very different factors.

Community of fans. Why is it important for your brand?

A community of fans or brand is a group of people united by the interest in a certain brand. They represent a network of people whose exchange of ideas and interactions are related to the enthusiasm they feel for a certain brand.

Every time I think of a community that represents a brand, I think of the football fans, yes, because it is them, the football fans, those people who are always with their team and represent fidelity to a shield and colors.

And there is not much difference with the brand communities, since these are the face of the brand in the street, they are those people who will speak well of you, who defend the logo and its colors, that if your friends go with the competition, They will try to turn them to your side, that is, to the side of the brand they represent.

Why do they do it?

Because they feel identified, because the brand transmits a personality to the world and they like it. If the brand is smart, you will know who those people belong to your community, as well as identify them, gather them and give them an added value, something that makes them feel unique and special. In this way they will continue promulgating their loyalty to the brand, "in good times and in bad times" just like soccer lovers say.


What is a brand community?

A brand community is a group of people united by the interest in a certain brand, that is, it is a community created around a particular brand. On this concept, it is necessary to explain that it can not be considered as a marketing strategy.

The virtual communities that are based on a brand, represent a network of people whose exchange of ideas and interactions are related to the enthusiasm they feel for a certain brand. Here, it is worth noting that members do not need to belong to the same social network or have a social relationship. Thus, the people participating in the community are united by the need to conquer new information. They can also get excited about the exchange of ideas about a certain service or product. This allows people to exchange opinions, make criticisms, suggestions or simply discover more information about something that interests them about the brand.

One of the advantages of this type of community is that they generate in the members a feeling of belonging to a larger social group. This is great because the company will clearly see the benefits by increasing its number of followers, fans and even perceive an improvement in economic results.

In general terms, brand communities represent platforms that allow dialogue between the company (brand) and its consumers. Among consumers, it is possible to find influencers, but it is important that the company offers equal consideration to both these characters and the other members.

When you decide to invest in the construction of a brand community, you must be aware that you will be placing the image of your company in evidence. Thus, it is essential that you act with commitment.