
Determine the advertising effectiveness in your company


 Yes, we agree with you, as an entrepreneur there are many aspects to consider before making the difficult decision to make or not, an advertising campaign. Choose advertising agency, define your target consumer, select the media in which to advertise and, most complicated of all, decide what part of your profit account is going to be allocated to the advertising action. It is time to make numbers and it is normal that the first questions that come to mind are: How long will it take to recover my investment? Does my business need to advertise? Will it be profitable for my company? Advertising has long ceased to be a discipline where only the "altar of creativity" was adored. Today we only give "good" advertising that we understand as effective. But ... What is advertising effectiveness really? Can you measure? Put the calculator back in the drawer and clarify some key concepts first. What is advertising effectiveness? This concept has been the instrument usually used to measure the results of an advertising campaign or advertisement. The advertising effectiveness must be defined according to the advertising objects. Therefore, an advertising action will be effective as long as it meets the objectives for which it was designed. 

 How should these objectives be? 

 In order to determine if your advertising action has been effective or not, you must first ensure that the objectives you meet meet the following requirements: They must be specific and measurable. You must know under what conditions of departure are established to avoid setting objectives that have already been achieved. They must have a perfectly defined target audience.

 They have to be established for a certain period of time.

 They must be specified in writing to avoid errors and facilitate the preparation and evaluation of the advertising campaign. Should my campaign always meet the same goals? Contrary to what many believe, there are advertising objectives that go beyond the simple increase in the sales of a product or service and therefore, the effectiveness of these advertising actions will be determined by very different factors.

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