
Advertising and the mind of the consumer.

Advertising and the mind of the consumer. What is the Psychology of advertising? 

 What does it consist of? 

This is a field of study that "is dedicated to the analysis of the impact that advertising has on people, studying their characteristics and dissemination."

 The objective of this branch of knowledge is to gather information about the consumption habits of people, so that those responsible for Marketing of companies can design advertising campaigns with greater guarantees of success.

 Its radius of action is quite broad, because the Psychology of advertising covers the study of sounds, images, sensations, emotions, smells ..., that is, all those elements that are likely to affect the behavior of the target audience. Techniques of advertising psychology Image result for mind Within the psychology of advertising, the expert Akshay Nanavati, in his article 15 Psychological Triggers to Convert Leads into Customers, compiles the main strategies to seduce the consumer.

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