Unveiling the commercial reality of the company: with the analysis of the SWOT matrix
The SWOT matrix or SWOT is an analysis tool that can be applied to any situation, individual, product, company, etc., that is acting as an object of study at a specific moment in time. It is as if a "radiography" of a specific situation of the particular thing that is being studied is taken. The variables analyzed and what they represent in the matrix are particular to that moment. After analyzing them, strategic decisions must be made to improve the current situation in the future. The SWOT analysis is a tool that allows us to create a picture of the current situation of the object of study (person, company or organization, etc.), thus allowing us to obtain an accurate diagnosis that allows us to make decisions in accordance with the objectives and policies formulated. In marketing, the DOFA matrix is the link that allows us to go from the analysis of the internal and external environments of the company to the formulation and selection of strategies to follow in the market. The 4 dimensions of the SWOT matrix Strengths: these are the special capabilities that the company has and that allow it to have a privileged position in front of the competition. Resources that are controlled, skills and abilities that are possessed, activities that develop positively, etc. Opportunities: are those factors that are positive, favorable, exploitable, that must be discovered in the environment in which the company operates and that allow competitive advantages to be obtained. Weaknesses: those factors that cause an unfavorable position in front of the competition, resources that are lacking, skills that are not possessed, activities that do not develop positively, etc. Threats: are those situations that come from the environment and can even threaten the permanence of the organization. Both strengths and weaknesses are internal to the organization, so it is possible to act directly on them. On the other hand, opportunities and threats are external and can only be interfered with by modifying the internal aspects.
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