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The 5 golden rules for electronic commerce in Latin America.

1. First rule of thumb: Allow an advisor to plan your venture.

Calculating costs for the first 24 months of your venture can give headaches to anyone but your e-commerce advisor. The costs directly affect their final prices. Apart from the numbers, it is not easy to make technical decisions regarding the hosting service, domain name assignment or business e-mail. If your venture starts with an e-mail and then decides to change the provider, you will have lost all the work of registration in search engines, contacts, emails sent, etc.

2- Second golden rule: Plan ahead, because no Internet venture is profitable in the short term.

A venture on the web needs time. A lot of time to generate traffic or visits and even more to generate income, which are an indirect reflection of the number of visitors your site accumulates. Do not plan thinking in the short term considering, for example, that you can create a good business for a specific date such as Christmas or end of the year. Consider that e-commerce ventures take between six to twelve months to generate the average traffic that your site will have in the long term.

3- Third golden rule: Do not tie yourself to any paradigm, sell everything you can and cover everything possible.

On the internet there are no dogmas or paradigms. Work on the internet as in a conventional business. Everything you can sell on your site must be offered to the public. The idea of ​​a business, besides being a showcase, is to generate constant income. Small sales are what feed the daily box. The coins are those that feed the Internet entrepreneur.

4- Fourth Golden Rule: Be perceptive about the tastes of your visitors.

The internet showcase can be a blind way for you regarding your visitors. Your visitors know what they want but you can not perceive their tastes if you do not find a way to interact with them. You should try to know their points of view, their tastes, ages, sex, interests, hobbies. Knowing your customers is the starting point to look for products and services to offer them.

5 - Fifth Golden Rule: Adapt the content of your website to the taste of your visitors.

Be flexible with the contents of your website. Once you know the profile of your visitors you will know what topics they like and what they do not. If a content, a product or a service does not adapt to the profile of its visitors, do not waste useless time. Discard it and do not waste time trying to build a business with something that is not accepted on your website.


6 benefits of opening a virtual store

1. Expand your market.

Electronic commerce grows year after year. With the rise of social networks, e-mail, chat, etc. Everyone has become familiar with the Internet and it has become common for all these people (potential consumers) to use this new medium to check prices, compare offers and even buy directly from the web.

2. Minimum investment to start a business.

Many entrepreneurs start by presenting their catalog of products and selling directly from the Internet with their virtual store, taking advantage of the cost reduction compared to the investment required to open a physical store (where infrastructure, rents, salaries, etc. are needed).

3. Open business 24 × 7

The client can enter the website at any time and browse the product catalog without time pressures, vendor interruptions, etc.

4. Get to know our customers better and improve our offer.

Thanks to web analytics, we can know which products are most consulted by our customers. This will help us evaluate where to focus our efforts.

5. Optimize advertising investments.

Web statistics not only tell us from where the potential customers come from (search engines, mentions in online portals, direct traffic, etc.) but they also inform us from where those people who have bought arrived. This data is key to allocate our advertising investment in those effective media.

6. Save money on upgrade costs.

Professional virtual stores today are self-administrating. That is, the business owner can upload products to their online catalog, update prices, eliminate offers, etc. in an easy and fast way; without having knowledge in design or programming.


Virtual company Real option of entrepreneurship.

As a virtual company has been proposed, it is a company in all the theoretical, technical and practical sense, therefore it is the object of applying entrepreneurial initiatives, as it is seen, it can be applied in any economic sector. Likewise, it requires a firm decision on the part of the entrepreneur, who, unlike the entrepreneur in the traditional company, requires a little more knowledge and contact with information technologies. The entrepreneur of the virtual company must take into account the advantages and disadvantages and make fit his "business plan" in this new area. As in all economic and business activities, you must find the right techniques, tools and methods to develop your business idea.

In the network you can find different guides so that once you have the business idea, you can start it up. Javier Gámez, in his book "Infallible Guide for Business Entrepreneurs on the Internet", proposes minimum conditions, such as the "passion" to develop a company on the Internet and a clear business plan. Taking advantage of the investment in the company on the Internet, in the beginning is low-cost many things can be obtained free on the network, because for example does not require significant investments in physical elements for its operation in a basic way requires : A good business plan, an internet connection and a computer.


3 smart tips to shoot the visits of your web page

1. Create Quality Content
For your content to achieve a viral effect and generate hordes of people to your site, it needs to be worth that. You need to spend as much time as necessary to make your content memorable.

How you should know the content is the absolute emperor on the internet, and the content that everyone loves will always be the one that helps people.

Before starting to create your content, put yourself in the shoes of your niche or potential customer and find out what are the problems that most concern them.

Once these problems are located, now help them solve them with your content, they can be with articles, videos, audios, webinars or any of the many formats that are used on the internet.

2. Promote your content
Once you have created your content, it's time to start rolling the snowball.

Share your content on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, all that interaction that your information will start to have on these social media, will also help your page to better position itself on Google, which means more traffic for you.

Locate websites of your industry and participate in them with articles. Many websites have a window for guest authors, it is something widely used on the internet and is an excellent way to promote your content, since in your articles you can include links to your website, which in itself will generate visits, But apart, that link will also help you position yourself better in Google.

3. Invest
How much or little you can invest to promote your content will bring you even more visits, it's like rolling many snowballs for many avalanches. Invest in Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Twitter Ads, Linkedin Ads or any of the platforms that are found on the internet today.

It is very important to study and advise before investing, as you could lose a lot of money. So if you do not plan to hire someone, be sure to inform yourself enough and start with little until you master the process.

As I mentioned before, without a memorable content, very little or nothing will be useful to invest time and money, so I repeat again the importance of dedicating the necessary time to achieve pieces of content that people really want to share.

Better quality than quantity, this applies also in terms of content creation, so take advantage of this so that your business online advances with firm and safe steps.


The Transformation of Social Networks in Businesses.

A social network is defined as a new form of communication and social interaction between people of different nationalities and to those who are usually united by a common interest. Previously, the way to publicize a company or a brand was through media such as television, radio, brochures and flyers, as well as companies promoting their products or services to their customers, over time it has been seen that technology advances and with it come changes by which the environment must adapt. Nowadays thanks to the existence of the Internet, it has managed to impact in a remarkable way the use of applications that make more efficient and precise the way to generate the desired success by the companies, that is why the use of social networks determines the The impact of companies on customers, the current competition of companies suggests that the use of social networks is of utmost importance for success.

social networks have become a very important tool for development between the organization and its customers, thus developing strategies that provide the opportunity to grow various companies that do not have resources, it should be noted that companies that are involved in this New sales model have to be constantly updated to not lose the domain they earn on this platform.

Social networks in the business world have been developed jointly for the benefit of all people, it should be noted that there are thousands of sites that help the development of new strategies, thus helping micro and macro companies have the same opportunity to grow, some of the advances that technology has provided to companies is the power to establish an online business without considering having a physical establishment, an example of this is Spotify that launches ads every 30 minutes offering a benefit to the user and at the same time publicize a brand Another advertising way in which you get to know a brand is by the exhibition of photographic images that show a broad product panorama such as Instagram and Snapchat which one of its main tools are the hashtags when publishing a new product making them of a more viral impact in the search of a topic of interest is why the relationship n that have been established with these new strategies have become a fundamental link for the success of brands.


Why a brand for my business?

Important, today more than ever, that our business is perfectly identified and individualized, that is, have a unique and contagious name, a color or combination of colors that identifies us leagues away, a sign that without containing any word activate the thinking of consumers and relate it immediately to our product; in short, that our company has graphic elements, which together with the rest of the factors that make up our business, contribute to position ourselves in a market that is increasingly voracious and competitive; in an increasingly globalized world, where quality varieties are available to everyone, technology and media are increasingly effective and direct, in the age of the internet, web 2.0, you to be, facebook , twitter and other virtual communities; is, as I said before, it is imperative that our business, be it service, distribution, marketing, etc., design, with care and care, that special name and / or that sympathetic or classic logo that defines and distinguishes us from the rest of the companies that develop the same commercial activity or dedicate themselves to a different one, then, simply that we build the commercial brand of our company.

So, you, an entrepreneur who is in the process of forming your business or who has already started it, take the time to design your name and trademark and you will realize that with time, work and dedication will become one of the assets most important of your business. Do not think twice, if you do not currently have a registered trademark, seek advice from a marketing expert and a specialist desk in Industrial and Intellectual Property, to assist you in all the creative, innovative and legal protection process of one of the most important and profitable assets of your company, your commercial brand.


Identity and image A corporate principle.

The image of a company is not a secondary element or a fad, it is a strategic instrument of the first order and a differentiated and lasting value that accumulates in the social memory, it is a supravalue that is imposed beyond the variability of the products and services, which at the same time protects. The image is an aggregate global value that covers and transcends all the achievements, productions and communications of the company, to which it injects identity, personality and exclusive own meanings.

With this thought, the transcendence of the image and its indisputable value as an intangible resource of the company is revealed, while it discovers how the image can be a source of benefit for the institution and an indispensable condition for its survival. Among the benefits that the image brings to a company can also be cited the following:

 Difference globally to the company.
Add lasting value to what you do, perform and communicate.
Remain in time and social memory, beyond ads and campaigns.
Globalizing and diversified function.
It integrates other contents and actions.
Practice of marketing, advertising, management of external communication, public relations and communication with media.
Coordinate interdependence.
This set of factors means that corporate or corporate communication, as it is also known, ascends and gains new prominence, with a substantially different approach, which conceives the institution as a whole, as an integrating whole, in which the image is found. at its highest point.

The most important thing for the company is its ability to offer a world of unique .


Necessary innovation for customer satisfaction.

Anthony W. Ulwick creator of 5 stages of the methodology of how to interview the client obtaining better results, its classification based on the type of clients.

Step 1. Interviews with clients based on the results of the plan.
Step 2. Capture the desired results.
Step 3. Organize the results.
Step 4. Results of speed of importance and satisfaction.
Step 5. Use the results to launch the innovation.

Obtaining customer satisfaction and utility for the company or industry.

The methodology of Anthony W. Ulwick aims to innovate the product based on well-conducted interviews focused on the benefits and areas of opportunity of the products to improve them; creating product segmentation.

Obtaining information of great value and classifying the clients obtaining as a result the satisfaction of the client and generating great utility for the companies and industries. Every company must adopt methodologies that allow it to innovate its products or services.

Companies must consider the importance that the client has in the innovation of a product or service and the value of the information obtained through this methodology.


3 tips so that the stress to bring client does not affect you

Stress is part of business, and more when it comes to attracting more customers and increasing sales. The problem is that often this stress directly affects our performance, leading to diseases and deficiencies that leave us 100% in what we owe, the growth and management of our company.

Sometimes attracting customers can take a little more time or effort than we had in mind. The problem is that often that drought is accompanied by stress.

This time I would like to share what worked for me to keep stress at bay:

1. Identify why it is important to attract customers. The obvious reason is the economic one, because without income, a business does not live, period. But it is important that we take that power away from money and focus on why it is important to have more clients.

2. Be congruent. Your feelings, thoughts and actions have to be congruent. You can not feel restless and worried and at the same time have serene and positive thoughts and act proactively and energetically.

3. Face the situation. If things do not go the way you want them to go, it's maybe because something needs to be done, or you have to try different things. Do not let things happen to you and face the situation once and for all.


Normative approaches in organizations: Leadership.

In a normative approach, it is argued that there are different ways to achieve change in organizations and maintain it.

System 1. Operator type
In this system the administration is autocratic, governed by fear and threats. The communication is given in one direction and basically are orders of how things should be done. The decisions are made by the boss, manager or director. People feel exploited.
The guidelines and instructions are specific

System 2. Benevolent authoritarian (also called paternalistic) In this administration a system of rewards based on fear and punishment is managed. People tend to generate an attitude of servility, because the boss only listens to what he wants to hear. The decisions are made by the boss and there is little communication. It may be imperative but people do not feel exploited.
It gives the impression that one works in a stable and structured environment.

3. Consultative System
There is a style of reward in this system with occasional punishments. Communication flows both ways, but in limited quantities and with caution. The subordinates have little influence on the decisions made by the boss, only when it comes to specific decisions of the position, the subordinates feel free to take them instead of the boss. Superiors have confidence in their employees but it is not complete.

It is considered a very dynamic environment, in which the administration works on the basis of achievable objectives and goals.

System 4. Participatory management Also called democratic administration.
Economic rewards are granted. The group tends to be participatory and high performance goals are established. The processes and methods of work are favored because communication is precise and flows in both directions. Both the subordinates and the bosses are close and have good interpersonal relationships. This system promotes an increase in productivity. Key decisions are made by consensus.

In this system, the objectives and goals are established based on strategic planning.


What are the most profitable online businesses?

At present, the world's entrepreneurs have found on the internet a huge market, sometimes unexplored, that offers many business opportunities. The digital interconnection that breaks down borders of thought and offers abundant information also makes it easier for us to search for clients, commercial representations or more specialized market segments interested in our offers; all a click away.

However, there are business items that, given their nature, benefit more than others; writing about this type of business is the reason for this article.

Digital services
Are you an internet enthusiast? Do you know the tricks that few know to increase visits to a website? Are you an excellent designer or programmer?

Then it is my duty to inform you that you have a knowledge very demanded in our days. Thanks to the rapid expansion of interconnection in the world (and especially in emerging countries) experts in digital marketing, web designers and developers are highly required by companies and naturally by other entrepreneurs and professionals who want to be on the Internet.

The investment to start your business is low, you need a web page and the rest is promotion that can be done through social networks, mail delivery systems, etc.

Affiliation programs
In affiliate programs an entrepreneur offers, exhibits or sells the products of a company in exchange for a fee. The affiliate has no obligation to meet quotas and does not assume responsibility for the products offered by the selling company.

Sale of courses and electronic books
Despite the fact that free information abounds on the Internet, specialized knowledge, information that is properly organized and compiled is always a valuable material of great importance. If you have technical knowledge in a subject, then you can offer them through the internet.

For this it is important to bear in mind that the educational offer in the network does not necessarily take the form of books, there is also the possibility of offering audios, manuals in videos, web pages accessible by subscription, newsletters, etc.


Digital culture A new world

The user of technology is not a simple consumer, the user is someone who interacts creatively with technology, producing and participating in the global sphere. The user is the prosumer. Likewise, digital culture is not just a product, digital culture is the process of creating culture through new technologies. Moreover, digital culture has the power to create cultural trends that are specific to digital platforms. It is not only the expansion of previous forms of interaction and creation, it is a new way of producing social expressions and of understanding citizenship through the concept of the prosumer.

The digital era is the name given to the period in the history of humanity that is linked to information and communication technologies. The beginning of this period is associated with the digital revolution, although it has its antecedents in technologies such as telephone, radio or television, which made the flow of information become faster than physical movement.

The digital age also includes organizations, which have opted for the use of technology for better control of their processes, greater publicity, to include more clients and provide services through the new information media.

A virtual community is a social network of individuals that interact with each other through a specific social virtual medium. Virtual communities are not limited by geographical boundaries and their members can share information, ideas, activities and events without having to leave their home. Unlike social networks oriented from the interaction between individuals sharing their preferences and experiences; virtual communities are organized around the common interests of a group. In the digital world there are multiple types of social networks with different purposes.

As for the companies, they have stopped being the traditional organizations that only dedicated themselves to produce and sell, now they are also interested in the welfare and satisfaction of the client and Facebook is one of the main means to obtain the information they need. As for advertising, this social network is now part of the main media used.


How to optimize my website for a good SEO?

The way in which we interact has changed, now the solution of possible questions and the research is done digitally, that is why your company must appear in the top positions of the search engines. How is it achieved? With an SEO strategy for your website.

Having a website is as important today as when 15 years ago it was so necessary to have a business card for your potential customers, it's all a matter of adapting to the changes and taking advantage.

Although it seems a complicated technique, SEO can be very simple when it is done in a relevant way; The analysis and creation of a strategy to measure again is something that is needed for your website to appear at least on the first page of Google.

And is that without a positioning job that is part of the links of a digital marketing strategy is simply declare that your company does not exist.

How to perform an SEO strategy on my website?
What is César al César, it would be advisable that this work you leave it to a professional strategist in web positioning.

In general, SEO strategists to optimize your website should focus on two types of actions, the first of which are those of Off Pages, those that are not made directly in the web portal but are related to them and On Page that are totally directed to the aspects of improvement for your page or website.


Management and integration of work groups

The human race by nature tends to make associations to achieve their survival, and in the organizational environment is not the exception, in any organization social groups are created, but also work groups are created to achieve the realization of different objectives

For this to happen, each leader must identify the way in which they are integrated, as well as the best way to handle them

It has been fully identified that the work groups reach their objectives more quickly, comparing them with the speed with which the collaborators do it individually, the successful organizations must favor the growth of the same and promote their proper development

Within each work group the work of the group leader will be immersed, as part of the managerial qualities that this should have is the adequate management of the collaborators, guiding their group without losing sight of the objectives set.

Teamwork is also common, a generator of objectives met, because it paves its members to the planned objectives, some authors handle their own descriptions, within which you can find:

When integrating into an organization and seeing the need to manage different work groups, the following points should be taken into consideration:

There will be different personalities, belonging to each collaborator
The way of assimilating information and indications will vary from one person to another depending on the socio-cultural characteristics of each one of them.
The perception of reality will be variable according to various factors, such as age.

The management of human resources is always a very unstable topic, due to the emotional and psychological conditions of an individual, so managing them properly always represents a great challenge.

One of the key factors is leadership, people who are at the head of an organization or as head of a group must have certain specific characteristics, such as:

The creativity
The dynamism
The proper management of communication channels with its collaborators
Support to the members of your team to achieve individual goals.


8 key points to build trust with the customer.

Really interested in the problem of the buyer, in his real need. This means: a real interest based on appropriate questions that allow us to understand the need to resolve, confirming assumptions through cross-questions, taking note of the data or facts that the client manifests, but also a total attention with our whole being and the non-verbal language ( "Do not look at the clock").

Show elements that make tangible or demonstrate those proposed benefits, for example, experiences with other clients. Some products require free trial times, "demos", "samplers", pilot tests, or also, citing customer names as "referents", and why not, provide names or contact details of buyers.

Comply with small agreements. Any long-term relationship is based on the sum of small agreements, for example, we can not win the client's trust if we tell him that we will send him a quote on Monday, and we do not do it until two or three days.

Search and clarify any questions. Sometimes you have the intention to answer questions, and ask at the end: any questions ?, and usually the client, to not feel silly, says he has none. But if you can ask: do you think the test / implementation / collection / billing process is according to your expectations?

Inform about the existence of other products. It may be the case that the product we are offering is not according to the real need of the client. Then we can have the freedom to say that we can not satisfy that need, but we could do another product that our company does not have. It is hoped that the contact will not be lost, because the need for our product may arise in the future.

Demonstrate real knowledge of what is offered. The greater dominion on a subject or product, produces a strong conviction in our speech, and this produces, in turn, greater credibility that is what really generates trust. Note: The conviction that we have about a product or about any topic, is noted in a strong message that is accompanied by the tone of voice and gestures.

Be sincere in recognizing what you do not know (and do not invent). Again, sincerity must prevail to the point of recognizing that there are issues that are not mastered, but you could come back soon with an answer, or bring a specialist in the subject.

And what happens when we have already delivered the product or service and it has "failures" and a satisfactory response to the client is postponed? As the hours or days pass, the customer's dissatisfaction increases, as their uncertainty grows over whether or not to receive a solution. It is preferable not to charge for this service, replace the failed product (and with a "plus" without cost) or also be honest informing the delay times, and with a formal communication acknowledging the error and the way to compensate.

Finally, if our company has a very well defined sales structure, but sellers, supervisors or managers do not seek or cultivate confidence in the entire sales process, we lose ground in commercial relationships, leaving space for another salesperson or manager of another company that may be winning over our client based on trust.


Body language to increase sales in a department store.

We live in a time where people have become more demanding when it comes to acquiring new products or services, not only looking for quality and a good price, they also expect a warm treatment from the bidders. The customers perceive perfectly when the sellers are friendly with them, and the return to the store will depend to a great extent on the treatment that is offered to them. Remember that they are the ones who are acquiring our products or services, therefore, at that moment, they become our bosses and therefore we must deliver our best service to them.

Today the movement of the body can reveal the identity of people; how they feel at that moment or the opinion they have regarding situations that are presented to them, even the way they are sitting shows their state of mind. Also the way they are dressed can give us an idea of ​​their tastes and attitude. Recent studies show that if we stare at people or if we sketch a sincere smile we can open the way to what we want because of the appearance we reflect. In addition, standing up expresses that we feel safe with what we are doing, and this is perceived by customers, which ensures many advantages towards sellers.


Business plan and strategic business planning in the 21st century

Today more than ever, it is necessary to have instruments and methodologies that allow entrepreneurs and executives to promote investment initiatives and have the most accurate forecast of the profitability of a business.

A business plan is a key and fundamental instrument for the success of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.

It is an indispensable strategic document, since it is not possible to start or grow a successful business without having a detailed plan.

It is a series of interrelated activities for the start or growth of a company with a planning system aimed at achieving certain objectives and goals.

It is a guide for the start of operations and the development of the activities of a company.

It aims to have a broad knowledge of the company or the project that is intended to start.

The plan can be developed for a newly created company or for one that is already operating and has growth plans.

When the company is operating and growing, a plan serves to rethink objectives, goals and needs, as well as to request credits or additional investments for expansion and / or special projects.

It is convenient to be conservative and realistic when making sales forecasts and financial projections of the business.


Eight strategies to handle objections and sell more

We will approach this article "Eight strategies to handle objections and sell more".

1. Your product or service is very expensive or has a very high price
Surely this is one of the most common objections, to address it we must ask the following questions: How much more is the price of the product or service you want to buy ?, Why do you consider our product expensive ?, What is the budget with which account for the acquisition of your product or service? Having clear these parameters about the client: the amount of money you want to save, the budget allocated for the purchase of the product or service, it is time to address the characteristics, conditions, savings you will get with the use of our product or service. Mention the advantages to obtain in the short, medium and long term, everything what will gain when obtaining your product.

2. Your product or service is not within my budget
The important thing about this objection is; know if it is real and if there is also the possibility of increasing your budget when given a specific term, for the acquisition of the product or service, but having these aspects clear the strategy to handle this serious objection, make the payment facilities for able to make the sale and guarantee that it receives the quality it deserves with greater facilities.

3. The product is very good but the service is terrible
This objection is very interesting because it is the best way to know, in which we find ourselves failing with the service, for which we have to make sure that the complaints are true and if so, it is no longer necessary to apologize for the case and to affirm if in the case that the appropriate measures are taken, so that the same thing does not happen to you to make the purchase of the product or service.

4. I do not make the purchase decision
The objection that you commonly hear, at the time of approaching the prospectus we have to be sure that the person to whom we show our product or service, can evaluate the proposal, after that if it is necessary to make ourselves available to make the presentation with the people who make the purchase decision.

5. Your product or service, It's not what I'm looking for
We have to analyze together with the client, first that is the worst thing that can happen to you if you do not use your product or service and secondly that the useful thing is not that it gets from you, but that it solves your problems and does not generate more unnecessary expenses. what your help should be genuine, if you identify with your problems you can always change this objection in your sales.

6. The competition offers me better products or services than your company
For this you have to be very prepared, who does not know your competition is not ready to go to the market, especially we must have prepared under your arm a list of the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and the list of your product or service that they surpass, if you do not go ahead with it, for sure it will be very complicated that you can sell to a prospect who is always very informed.

7. Your brand is not recognized, does not inspire confidence
Here you have to emphasize the trajectory of your company, your own experience when you get to work on it and especially the current satisfaction of the clients with whom you already work, if the company has some awards or certifications it is time to comment and if it will participate of some social benefit or support to a noble cause destined actions or money to them with more reason is time to ask him to join this challenge.

8. I do not want to buy your product or service
You thought that a sale starts only when the client made the previous objections, I present to you the objection in which the sale just starts, many will start to think, how can I sell it to someone who does not want to buy me? , well I will not tell you that it is always only I will tell you what it is to put yourself in the shoes of the person and listen to them. Do you have any objections that arise when selling your product or service?


Construction of the Corporate Image. The identity of your venture

The main objective of a good corporate image for an enterprise is to create a direct connection with your potential customers, to ensure that when they see you, they feel identified with your brand and with the philosophy of your company, so that each time they see it they feel that need. buy your product or hire your services and more often recommend your products to their social circles.

This objective is simply applicable for any type of enterprise, regardless of the size of the company or the market in which it is being developed, a suitable corporate image for each type of market will project a professional and quality image of both the products or services like the company and will differentiate it from its competitors.

The construction of a corporate image is a process that can take years to complete and many more to be implemented and remain current in the minds of consumers, among the major brands worldwide we can mention Coca Cola, Sony, Samsung, Nike, Amazon , Apple, Adidas among others.

One of the strategies that has led to the success of these brands in the field of communication is undoubtedly their multichannel communication strategy, as they serve their customers through all existing communication channels, allowing the user to place orders from a computer and be able to manage changes in sizes or colors from an app or in a physical store located in your city.

¨ Creating the corporate identity of your enterprise does not have to be agonizing or complicated, have fun and develop your creativity to do it, it is the beginning of your company and you must have all the motivation to structure it. Start with enthusiasm on the road to success.¨


Elevator pitch for entrepreneurs; Sell your business idea in 3 easy steps.

The elevator picht or lift speech is one of the most important tools for an entrepreneur when selling or projecting your business idea, you never know when you could meet the perfect client so that your venture has the lift you've always expected, or with the investor you need to expand your business so it's always better to be prepared.

Then I will guide you in 3 simple steps to achieve a good Pitch that allows you to be clear, precise and fast when presenting it.

1.- Delineate your target audience and define their problem.

Establish key answers to questions such as:
What is my audience?
What need will I satisfy?
How will I meet that need?

2.- Develop the solution with your Value proposal.

Proposes solutions based on:
Your experience
Your knowledge
Initial resources
Resources you need
How will you take your project to success?

3.- Explain your business model.
Clearly explain what is attractive about your project and why they should invest with you and not with another entrepreneur.
How are you going to make money?
How will the investors recover the money?
In what time will you recover it?
Why your project will be a success?

Once the elevator pitch is established, it is time to put it into practice for its presentation. It is very important to rehearse it as many times as necessary, always controlling the time it takes to explain it with the fundamental information to awaken the interest of your interlocutor, practice everything necessary but do not memorize it, try to explain it always showing naturalness without leaving the air in the air. key ideas and the structure of your elevator pitch.
