
3 tips to be successful in your work

The keys to success at work
The great assets of contemporary companies are the knowledge that their employees possess and the number and quality of the relationships they manage to forge.

The causes of success today are their human capital, the knowledge they manage to mobilize and the networks they set up. Consequently, managing the company requires new keys that not only lead us to success but make us happier along the way. Between them

1. Build trust

The essential quality "and the only one that works", says Blanca Jiménez, so that the work teams are productive is trust. "The boss must learn to deposit it in his collaborators, giving enough space for them to learn, but also setting the necessary limits so that they do not put the company at risk if they make mistakes."

2.Build a good environment

Relationships are very important. "The goal is to get them to be correct, courteous, and appropriate. We do not have to go to work to make friends, but it is essential that we have fluid relationships that allow us to work together and trust each other even if we are not intimate. "

3.Communicate properly

"The boss should not be one of those people who are laughing all day, but there must be a correct person." He must be able to communicate, so that, when necessary, "I can say hard things in a non-insulting way. You can not humiliate a person in front of others. You have to try to be courteous and cordial. "

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