
The motivation and the labor production

The motivation of the staff is one of the factors of special importance for the achievement of business objectives and facilitate the development of the worker. One of the characteristics that is observed in this competitive and globalized world is that companies insist on being better and better. For this, they resort to all available means to fulfill their objectives. In this context, the optimal administration of the human factor is of singular importance. It is said that a company will be good or bad, depending on the quality of its human resources. That is why, in order to take full advantage of human potential, companies develop complex processes.

When a worker acts to achieve an objective and finds some barrier or obstacle that prevents him from achieving it, frustration occurs, which leads the person to certain reactions, such as:

disorganization of behavior (illogical behavior and without apparent explanation);
aggressiveness (physical, verbal and psychological);
emotional reactions (anxiety, affliction, nervousness and other manifestations such as insomnia, circulatory problems, digestive problems, etc.)

To motivate a person is to provide him with certain stimuli so that he adopts a certain desired behavior. It is creating the right conditions for a certain behavior to emerge in people.

The importance of the motivation lies in the fact that it allows the effort, energy and general behavior of the worker to be channeled towards the achievement of objectives that interest the organizations and the same person.

One of the most effective and effective techniques to motivate staff and achieve the desired productivity is through job enrichment. It refers to the vertical expansion of posts. In this case the degree to which the worker or employee controls the planning, execution and evaluation of their work is increased.

An enriched position organizes the tasks so that the worker can perform a complete activity, improves their freedom and independence, increases their responsibility and provides feedback, in such a way that an individual can evaluate and correct their own performance

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